Chapter 4

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I sit at my desk, writing my novel of an alternate universe I made up. I haven't seen Len since the cleaning duty incident. We aren't in the same class, anyways.

"Flower-san, what is the square root of ____?" The teacher asks.

I answer correctly, even though I seem like I'm not paying attention.

"Correct again, Flower-san. Good job." The teacher says, congratulating me. He then goes back to teaching his lecture.

I watch the clock, a little desperately. Every second felt like minutes. I was bored, and I wanted out of the classroom.

It was the first time I felt this, because I love my classes. Oh boy.. did that Len already affect my brain?

After what felt like years, the bell finally rang. It took me a second to realize I had jumped up and ran to the door, bumping to a familiar face who was already waiting right out the door.

"Flower-senpaiiii! I missed youuuu! ♡" Len squeals at my presence.

I feel happy. Why am I happy? I can't show that, so I maintain an expressionless face.

"Kagamine-kun? How long have you been waiting here?" I ask. Surely he couldn't have made it here in the seconds the bell rang.

"I ditched half of my class to see you! I missed you so muchhhh! ♡ HEY! WANNA GO ON A LUNCH DATE?!" He asks very excitedly.


"A.. what?" I ask, turning a shade of red.

"A lunch date! Come onnn, it's my treat!" He smiles.

"Well.. um.. I was actually headed to..-" I begin, however he interrupts me.

"To the cafeteria?! Oh GREAT! COME ON THENNNN! ♡"

As usual, he doesn't let me finish and grabs my wrist, dragging me along, determination is visible in his eyes.

(Short chapters are gonna be the norm from now on, my mental health isn't doing so good)

Her Smile // Kagamine Len (鏡音レン) x VFlower // Senpenbanka Egoism AU // VocaloidWhere stories live. Discover now