Chapter ten

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So ever since that incident happened at the hair shop I been laying low because that pince nigga is psycho and I just don't wanna be dead I have a life to live. I got a call from the Sexy gut at the barber shop and we talked all last night and he agreed to meet me at the hotel tonight. I have Lina watching Justin, Josh, and macie. I walked yo the door in my booty shorts just as Lina was walking up. Macie looked back happy because she thought no one was gone be here but that little girl can kiss my ass with that shit. I walked to the door gave Lina a hug and walked down the sidewalk to the other side of the hotel and knocked on two-twenty-one. The dude came and opened the door. Oh damn I forgot to tell y'all his name is Ryan Raylon Lamar Johnston. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me letting me into the room. The room he had was nice as fuck. I walked in and just sat on the bed.

"What's up beautiful?" He said sitting down beside me. I looked at him and smiled back. "Oh nothing have to go to work in two hours!" I said to him smiling. He looked at me and just kissed my lips. I do anything but just let him Kiss me. We sat there and made out for a while longer then I had to go because work was calling for me. I miss the pole I guess when you have to work it so long you get used to it. I got up and grabbed my keys and phone and went to my car. I already had my stuff so I drove on to work. I made it in and went to the dressing room and stood there. I put my bag down and went over to the sink. Amiya and A'lana walked in and amiya walked over to me.

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