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Wei Ying had received the best news that morning. He couldn't stop grinning as he held on tightly to the result papers on his hand.

He was pregnant!

He couldn't wait to show Lan Zhan the results. See the happiness written in his eyes when he realized they'd become a family of three now.

"Is Lan Zhan home?" Wei Ying asked, barely containing his excitement as he asked the butler about his boyfriend.

"Yes." The man spoke grimly, eyeing Wei Ying with distaste. "Mr. Lan is in the study and wishes to speak to you immediately."

"Great!" Wei Ying had to speak to him immediately too.

As soon as he stepped into Lan Zhan's study he felt something amiss.

"Lan Zhan I just got back from-"

"I don't want to hear about it." Lan Zhan cut him off with a harsh, cold tone. One he hadn't used on him. Ever.

"But it's important, I-"

"Shut up!" Lan Zhan had never raised his voice at Wei Ying either and it made the man widen his eyes and take a step back.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything is wrong," Lan Zhan sneered. "I have no interest in being played the fool."

He threw a picture at Wei Ying, which he had to pick up from the floor. It was a blurry picture of a man coming out of a hotel, that particular bit was strangely clear enough to recognize.

"I don't understand." Wei Ying frowned. "Who is this?"

"Don't act innocent Wei Wuxian." Lan Zhan snapped.

Wei Ying flinched. He hadn't been called by that name in such a cold manner by his boyfriend before. The situation became more and more confusing to him.

"I don't know what's going on Lan Zhan. I just came back from the h-" he couldn't even get the word 'hospital' out when Lan Zhan was interrupting him again.

"Jin Guangyao saw you leave that hotel this morning. He took that picture. Apparently he and my uncle have suspected of your affair but didn't have proof. Now here we are."

"What?" Wei Ying managed.

"I won't be played by you anymore. I want you out of my life, I don't want to see you or listen to you anymore." Lan Zhan said with anger in his eyes and tone. "You've no idea how immensely glad I am that you're not carrying my child."

And that did it.

With Lan Zhan angry beyond reason, without the possibility of explaining just how absurd this whole situation was and how firmly his boyfriend was on believing everyone else but him.

That broke Wei Ying.

He couldn't hold back the tears as he hid the paper he held on tightly behind his back. He straightened his back, looked at Lan Zhan in the eyes and let go.

"You've always doubted me." Wei Ying started, holding a hand up. "Don't interrupt me. You've said what you wanted, now it's my turn."

Lan Zhan pursed his lips and frowned.

"I've never had you completely. It's always been me explaining myself over everything. But I let it go because I love you. I always thought it was just your uncle trying to mess with your head and you making sure I wasn't misunderstood, but I guess deep down you always doubted me too."

Wei Ying sighed, wiping away his tears even though more kept falling down.

"It's time I put myself first, now more than ever." He fisted his hand around the piece of paper saying he was with child. "I hope you're happy Lan Wangji."


"Don't worry. I'll pack my things and be out of your life for good. You don't have to deal with me anymore." Wei Ying tried to smile but failed miserably. "Goodbye Lan Wangji."

He walked out of the study, up the stairs, into their room, packed his belongings and walked out of the mansion.

Lan Zhan never came after him.

Jiang Cheng didn't understand. He blamed Wei Ying for ruining things.

Jiang Yanli just looked at him with a sad expression but didn't say anything to help.

Wei Ying knew then that he was alone. It was only his child and him. Thinking of his baby made him hold everything in for now and look for solutions. He needed a place that would give him peace. He will raise his child in a healthy environment and this wasn't it.

The next morning he vanished.

He dropped out of university, quit his job and left the city. He had enough savings to help him settle down somewhere else, it wasn't going to be like the mansion he lived with Lan Wangji and it wasn't be the modest house the Jiang's lived in. It was a two bedroom apartment, with enough space for him and his baby.

"We'll make a home here, sweetheart." Wei Ying smiled through tears as he placed a hand on his flat abdomen. "We'll be just fine."

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