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"Daddy!" A-Yuan called with a giggle as he ran up to his father, who was waiting for him at the doors of the elementary school.

"I missed my little radish!" Wei Wuxian lifted his child into his arms and spun him around, not forgetting to kiss his soft cheeks.

"Daddy, I'm not a radish!" A-Yuan giggled, placing both of his hands on his father's cheeks.

"Oh no!" Wei Wuxian widened his eyes and looked everywhere, "Then where is my lovely son?"

"I'm here!" more giggles that caused Wei Wuxian's chest to fill with warmth.

Like that father and son started talking to each other about their days, walking to their car and heading home. It was meant to be like any other day. It should have been like any other day.

They were just a street away from home when the screeching of tires, the yelling, the confusion and then nothing settled.

"Do you have someone to call?" The child services lady asked in a soft voice, looking at the six year old fiddle with the phone inside the cross bag around his torso.

"I will call Papa." A-Yuan said with conviction. "Daddy said that if anything happened to him, Papa will come help me if I call."

The lady smiled. "Then you should call your Papa."

A-Yuan nodded, flipped open his phone and pressed down on number four. If that didn't work and Papa had changed his cellphone number, he should press number five to call Papa's home.

The phone rang for a while, A-Yuan kicked his legs back and forth as he waited sitting down next to the lady he didn't want to go with.


"Lan Wangji?" A-Yuan stopped kicking his legs, he sat very still as he waited for a reply.

"Yes, this is Lan Wangji. Who is calling?" The voice of the man softened a little after hearing a child on the other end of the line.

"It's Wei Yuan, Wei Wuxian's son. Daddy said to call Papa if something bad happened to him. Daddy said Lan Wangji is my Papa." A-Yuan explained, hoping that what Daddy said is true and that Papa will come and make sure they were both okay.

"What?" Came out a choked voice.

"Papa, daddy is in the hospital and he is sleeping. I don't want the lady to take me. Daddy said you will help if I called. Papa come help me, please." A-Yuan's eyes filled with tears. He was scared and he really didn't want to leave Wei Ying to go with the lady who kept frowning at him.

"You're Wei Ying's son? Where are you? Hand the phone to the lady with you please." Lan Wangji said in a rushed tone.

"Yes, he is Daddy and you're my Papa. I'm at a hospital." A-Yuan nodded and then looked at the lady. "He wants to talk to you."

After handing the phone to the lady for a while, she then gave it back.

"Wei Yuan, I will be there in a few hours okay? The lady will stay there with you until I get there. She won't take you away. Do you understand?" Lan Wangji explained.

"Yes. I will wait for Papa here." A-Yuan nodded, his heart beating fast. He was staying with Daddy and Papa was coming to help!

A smile lit up on the child's face.

Lan Wangji didn't know what to expect once he arrived at the hospital. He hadn't seen Wei Wuxian in a little over six years. He'd looked for him at first but eventually reconciled with the fact that Wei Wuxian didn't want to be found. Now, he gets a call from Wei Wuxian's son saying he's his father.

Once he saw the child, he froze.

Wei Yuan had his light brown eyes and if Lan Wangji were to get a photo of himself at that age, the resemblance would be undeniable.

"Wei Yuan?" Lan Wangji managed to ask. The child's face lit up as soon as he saw him.

How does this child know how I look? Lan Wangji asked himself as he soon found himself with a child calling him Papa and hugging his leg.

"You came! Daddy was right, you came!" The child held on as tightly as he could and finally let out his tears.

"I am here." Lan Zhan soothed, placing a hand on top of the child's head.

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