Chapter 1: Bedridden

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TW: Ideation of Death(Brief)
CW: Minor OC usage.


Cheers and chants came from the squad of sledgers, sent to research the frosty dimension. They were sent here to grab a few pieces of ice before they could head back, for the purpose of research. Should be easy enough, right? A certain man, a newer member of the group, was unsure. Everyone here seemed to already know each other, so the poor guy was left to marinate in his own mind. Well he would've if not for;

"Hey, why so quiet? You can talk to us, newbie!" A man, who had taken the lower part of his facial gear off, spoke up. 

The lone man cringed awkwardly. Sure, it was nice that the man had tried getting him into the conversation, but he had already gone this long being quiet so-

"Antoine, I swear to fucking god if you took off your goddamned respirator I'm gonna- I dunno! -but I'll do something!" Amanda, a short and stocky redhead, shouted. Of course the man would know more about her than he did about this 'Antoine' considering the fact she was tasked with leading the group.

The woman grabbed Antoines shoulder before shoving the respirator back onto his dark and reddening cheeks. Despite his face being fully covered, the quiet sledger could tell the man was disgruntled. Amanda looked to the new member before sighing,

"-but Antoines right, we ain't gonna bite ya-" She paused before adding; "Unless you're being a jackass." She glared at Antoine accusingly, who let out an angry 'hey!'.

The man finally spoke up, albeit quietly,
"Uh.. Thanks.."

Amanda smiled at him before her eyes widened, "Pause!"

The group paused, before the woman pointed, a good-sized chunk of the strange ice this dimension seemed to be made of. The sledger, already knowing his job, lifted up his sledgehammer and broke the shard off from the rest of the chunk. Antoine walked up by him, dragging the shard of ice and shaving it down with a saw. Finally two other men, by far more muscular than the quiet man could ever hope to be, lifted the brick of ice and lifted it onto the sled. Amanda began pulling the sled again, in search of more shapely ice.

As they were leaving, the quiet man thought he felt a tug on his harness. The harness that was connected to the rope that would lead the group out of here if they were to get lost. He turned around only to be faced with one of the men that came with the group as a part of a convoy. Once the armed man caught the quiet sledger's stare he glowered at him. With a jolt, the sledger turned back around to the sled.

Now the quiet sledger felt so stupid.. How could he have missed the obvious footfalls of a Snowy..?


The man's eyes opened, revealing to him that his vision was swimming. He almost felt like he was melting. He could only stare at the same shades of blaring white blurred into each other.

Wait what? Frost Spirit's dwelling wasn't white..

The man attempted to rub the blur out of his eyes, only to find his arms had been bound to the bed he rested upon. A bed..? That damned 'Spirit didn't at all know what a bed was. Wait. Why the fuck is he in a bed!? Why is he restrained!?

Eyes widening, the man began trying to break free of the leather restraints. Creaks and rattles from the bed echoed throughout the room. The man groaned as he realized he wasn't breaking free.

He decided to inspect the room. Could this place actually even be considered a room? The only walls he saw were curtains. A sterile off white, that's what everything in this damnedable place was. It almost reminded him of a—

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