Chapter 7: Friendly Fire

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Anyways, sorry my break was longer than intended. I haven't been able to play TDS in a while because the servers I run keep breaking. It's been really taking me out of the fandom.

Well, I hope this chapter was worth the wait, nothing too plot-related happens but we'll get there eventually.


"...You're lucky that Slasher was there, Glad would have definitely caved your face in if he didn't get distracted,"

The duo were outside now, the warm breeze blowing through their hair. It was a lot warmer here than at Outpost 32. Despite that fact, Sledger was still freezing his ass off. The man was clutching his camo puffer coat, drawing it in closer on himself,

"Ah.. yeah, probably. What was that guy's deal anyway?"

"Slasher? Uh, yeah, he's a bit of a weirdo, not gonna lie. While he hasn't killed any of us yet, I wouldn't be surprised if he got executed for murder,

Y'know what I mean?"

Sledger was somewhat mortified by how casually Mortar let those words leave his mouth,

"Uh.. sure."

So, he was going to be living with a possible murderer in his walls. Nice.

The duo continued on their walk, Mortar explaining mundane things to Sledger. Well, mundane to Mortar anyway, the newbie was nearly frozen in terror by the things that happened at Tower Defense on the daily,

"Oh hey, we're here,"

Mortar said plainly, as though he was bothered to have his talking interrupted.

Sledger looked up now, a glimmer of awe in his eyes. He had never really been to a farm since he was in fourth grade, and by god this one knocked that experience out of the park… or field. There was acres and acres of land, only ending when large concrete walls shut the ever-expansive land in. In the field were all sorts of different vegetation.  Where few miles there'd be a barn, probably chock-full of animals,


"Yeah, I guess it is pretty amazing…"

Mortar's voice was full of arrogance as he made a show of flexing his hand,

"Since we at Tower Defense are just… so good, some of the citizens decided to help out with resources, because we're just that good,"


Sledger was already walking ahead, leaving Mortar in his dust. As the explosives-expert noticed this he made an angry noise in his throat before catching up.


The two were finally at one of the many barns, well, apparently the one they were at was just used for storage. Sledger was a little put down by that, he wanted to see the piggies! Exasperatedly, Mortar rushed up behind him,

"Damn it, man… Did you seriously need to run away like that!?"

The words were strung together between desperate gasps for air. Sledger turns his body towards the shorter man,

"Oh uh.. sorry, didn't mean to do that."

The apology was half-hearted and awkward, but it was good enough for Mortar to quit giving him the stink eye.

Sledger leans over a wooden picket fence, looking into the barn. There were quite a few workers inside, but they all looked pretty overclocked. That's when a farmer waved the two over,

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