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Dick handing out folders: alrighty, these are your play books. Please once you get them we are all going to go through them and ask questions.

Duke: what is this?

Dick: this is our play book, it's gives rules on what are are saying and are not saying at thanksgiving.

Tim: actually I have a small update, on page 15, under subsection 12b, I have it on good terms that that is actually a safe subject to talk about.

Jason: are you sure? Cuz that last time we brought up the thing that we are not talking about that we are talking about ended with me spending the night in jail.

Duke: ..the what?

Damian: If you look under sub point 12 bullet point 13, you should be able to know

Duke:'s blacked out.

Tim: exactly. That the part we don't talk about.

Duke: so how do I know what not to talk about it if I don't even know what it is.

Jason: oh, you will'll know..

Duke: ...y'a The problem is that I do not know.

Dick: you'll be fine Duke. Just don't talk about it.


*two hours later*

Duke: So Clark! I hear that you actually have a clone walking around, how did-

*Jason tackles Duke to the ground*

Jason: hhheeeeyy there Clark! How's Louis? *drags Duke away by his ankles*

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