Hoco game night

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Ash's pov

i've always just called myself a band nerd. Well actually that's what the entire school calls the band kids.

I've been in band for about six 6 years, Hailey was in there for about three years, Sky, my ex best friend was in there for five years.

The only thing you need to know is I don't talk to Sky. She hasn't been there for me in a long time and it's only one trimester into school but that doesn't matter anymore.

Now moving on to the real story, me and Walker we started dating October 8, 2022 and here's how that went.

It was the day after the homecoming game we won against our schools, greatest and enemies, which was a win for everyone. My best friend was coming over after the game. She was there with me at the game she was making sure I would eat and I was warm so I wasn't freezing.

Hailey has came to all of my games. She's a supportive friend always has and hopefully always will be. That's one of the best things about her. She's always there for you no matter what. And I'm thankful for that.

I am pretty sure Hailey and Alaina realized that we both kind of had a thing for each other mean Walker, of course. That's because Alaina told us that Walker liked me and I told her that day in bed cause I liked Walker.

Alaina told me that Walker liked me while we were walking back from the antique shop. We were heading to the B&B to get snacks before the game. So we didn't have to spend a lot of money to get food because let's be honest before the band is even able to get food it's mostly gone. Anyway, after Alaina told me that I kind of told her that I had the hit already because of some of the stuff he said about his crush.

It was just a matter of fact after the game things got a little interesting when me and Hailey got home.

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