chapter 1

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      I scrolled through my phone whilst whistling to the melodic tune of my favorite rnb artistes' new released song. Just as I scrolled past various posts on inlook ,— a popular social media platform amongst youngsters that allow them to share photographs etc. — occasionally clicking on the small heart on some of my close friends photographs, I swiped past most of the inlook ' story ' , a notification with the words : "recommended for you" popped out on the screen followed by numerous unfamiliar accounts layed out like a list .
       Just as I was about to swipe past the notification, something caught my eye. It was the profile picture of one of the accounts, specifically the account with the username of @x_09853x . It was a plain white and black picture of a train, something that would neither have been special nor unique, if not for the fact that I was one of the biggest fan of that artiste. The exact album of the rnb artiste I was whistling to . The rnb artiste that barely any one had known. The same artiste that had about 127 monthly listeners, and barely any fans.
        Without any hesitation, I clicked on the profile , wanting to know more about this anonymous user @x_09853x. Something that I most definitely should not have done. To my surprise @x_09853x was actually a male around my age. He had scarcely any posts and only about 20 followers and 5 following. In one of his few posts, was a photograph of him smiling and holding onto an small French bulldog — most likely a puppy— , and in the others were scenery photographs very likey taken by him. I am not even going to deny the fact that he was attractive. Not in a sense of the usual nice hair type of attractive boy. He was the type of boy who did not need good hair, luxurious clothes to look good. He was the type of boy who would still be attractive even if splashed with water or even when posing in an odd pose. He looked almost ethereal. Beautiful in an unexplainable way.
       Just in case, I checked his following, in an attempt to make sure I was right about him being a Starlight — the fandom name almost unascertained to the artiste himself and everyone else — and sure enough, he was indeed following the rnb artiste, Ethena.
        Not wanting to waste a once in a life time opportunity of befriending a Starlight, I immediately slid in to his dms. However, to my dismay, I realized it would be awfully awkward for an anonymous account to be private messaging a random stranger that shared just one similar interest with them — creepy even. After much consideration and occasional typing on the keyboard — that end up being cancelled due to the major creeps it gives— , I finally decided to start off with a compliment.
      ' Hey there, I know this might come off as Somewhat weird or even creepy, but I find you really cute and I hope you had a nice day! ' I clicked on the 'send' button, hoping that he would not block me straight away due to the message. I shut my eyes, breathing in the cool air that circulated my room, not expecting a reply.However, within just a minute — maybe even 50 seconds — my phone buzzed and a notification with the words : ' Thanks, I hope you had a great day too! :) ' popped up my screen, never have I ever received a reply in an instant — not even when I text my best friend .
    Feeling exuberant with the fast reply, I instantly clicked in to the notification ,— bringing me straight into the app and into our direct message— 'haha btw, I was just curious, do you perhaps know the artiste, Ethena? ' I typed after a few seconds later — just to make sure that I don't send like a bothersome creep — before clicking the send button.
     'Yep, what about you? Are you perhaps a fan of hers too? 'He replied almost instantly. ' yessssss!!!! I am her most loyalll fan ever OMG! I can't believe I found someone who knows of her!she's so underrated' I typed back , almost as if I were talking to my best friend for many years. 'I am Aurelia, wanna be friends?' I added before sending the message.

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