chapter 2

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    " who was it? " Terenz inquired with raised brows, as he stepped out of the bathroom,— still dripping wet from his shower— wearing only a towel that exposed his nice and lean figure he had been working out for . As he wiped his hair with his towel — drying the occasional water droplets dripping from his hair—, his face plastered with a curious look as to who his first private message came from. " put on a shirt! "I exclaimed as my face contorted into utter disgust. "Geez, so who was it? Was it auntie Jennifer's daughter? Or was it the girl I met at the bar the other day? " Terenz questioned before guessing a couple more names of which I have never heard before." It's nothing. " I replied.
     Terenz and I are identical twins. We probably only share one similarity, our looks. Other than that, Terenz is probably the complete opposite of me.  He likes partying and clubbing. While I prefer staying in and studying. Terenz has many friends while I don't, most people are not really fond of me and most of them use me for my homework answers. Which I honestly don't mind, I mean "you reap what you sow" right?wrong. I sometimes wonder maybe I am the real problem here. I mean its not like I don't have anything. I have good looks, good grades, good attitude, good family.I have almost everything. Almost. Everything other than friends, people generally avoid me. I am not sure why , but my elder sister told me it's my aura. She said that I have an aura that is pretty intimidating — even the teachers mistook my question as a threat.
   That is why I would most definitely like to keep this girl a secret from my playboy brother, before he even obtains an opportunity to touch my new found friend — probably my first friend other than my elder sister . Whoever Aurelia may be. A serial killer or some sort of creature — maybe non of these but okay. I want to befriend her. It's just that there is a minor complication. I had accidentally deleted the chat when my brother came out of the shower.   
    " Goodness gracious! What had happened! " I exclaimed in utter distress. Terenz leaned in, discombobulated about the situation. " it's gone! The messages are all gone!" I screamed in absolute shock. My first friend had just disappeared into thin air before I even replied yes. Maybe I am indeed the problem.
      " what's gone? Whatever, thanks for making me a spam account to impress mother. Hopefully, she will take it as I have changed for the better, I don't want to upset mother,neither can I ever live up to her dreams of being the perfect son that she eventually marries off . That's a nice photo, did livian take it for you? "Terenz said as he pointed to the photo of me holding on to a French bulldog when I visited the dog cafe with my elder sister, livian. I nod, still in disbelief as to how I lost my first friend before even sharing about the supposedly amazing news to livian. My only supporter since I was born. Terenz had everyone entranced with him. He was charming and always attracted many crowds when mother brought us shopping with her. To be frankly honest, Terenz felt like a competition to me. Albeit he had bad grades and bad habits, he always beat me when it comes to winning people's hearts and trust. Hence, explaining my distance with him and as to why I was much closer to livian than my twin, Terenz.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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