The One With The East German Laundry Detergent Part II

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"I, do not like her!" Chandler said camly mentally checking if Sophiia was still out side. Nope
"OK, ok but don't come back crawling to be after you realize that you like her. " whispered Pheebs but still loudly enough do him to hear.

Every one was on their way. Monica and Joey on a double date together, ripping the couple apart. Chandler and Phoebe break up with their boyfriend and girlfriend. And Sophiia on her way back to Monica's apartment.

Mini authors note!

So as you might have noticed that I added a new character to the story (see "meeting the characters" for info) and I will continue this episode even though it stops after the closing credits when they all arrive back at Central Perk. So yeh just so you know
Now back to the story :)

Sophiia came back to Central Perk after an hour or two to get a coffee and check on Chandler. After a couple of minutes half of the gang is back only missing Monica and Joey.
Ross has an icepack to his head.

"Oh, are you sure you're ok?" asked Rachel looking at Ross.
"Yeah." he answered simply.

"Does it still hurt?" she asked again.


"What a neat idea. All your clothes match. I'm gonna do this." Pheebs said as she took Rachel's now pink clothes.
Monica and Joey entre all happy and excited.


"Hey, how'd it go?" asked Phoebe.


"We ripped that couple apart, and kept the pieces for ourselves." said Monica. Sophiia laughed simply at her enthusiasm.

"What a beautiful story. Hey, I'm fine by the way." said Ross, acting as if she hurt his feelings.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Where's Chandler?"

"Oh, he needed some time to grieve." said Soph smiling towards the door.

Chandler runs by the window outside, joyous.

"I'm free! I'm free!" he yelled all happy.

"That oughta do it." Pheebs commented.

Central Perk, everyone is there. Chandler calmed down a bit, they talked about Monica and Joey's date. Everything was out of the way and now they were just drinking coffee in peace.

Sophiia was sitting on the side of the chair, Chandler was sitting in. They were happy, everyone was. That was until a special someone walked through the door of the coffee shop. Sophiia's eyes widened, her smile grew bigger and wider, she almost screamed.

The special person im talking about is Katarina. Her best friend, they've known each other since middle school. They haven't seen each other in 2 years since Katrina moved to another state because of her love interest. Marie.

Sophiia let out a silent scream as she ran to the door and hugged her best friend.


"Sophiia - you motherfu-"  Katarina exclaimed.
"I missed you too!!!"

"Who is that?" asked Monica and Ross at the same time.

"looks like they know each other." commented Pheebs.

Sophiia and Katarina were still hugging, well I wouldn't call it hugging.

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(Art not mine found it on Pinterest :)

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(Art not mine found it on Pinterest :)

The gang was still confused about who Soph was hugging but decided to question it later.
Their thoughts were cut short by the two best friends.

"Hey guys, so this is Katarina. Katarina this is... Okay there is too many people, you meet each other alone"
While she was introducing herself, Ross was staring at her and Joey popped the question.

"How you doin'?"
Katarina only smirked as a response. Soph stood in front of the two boys and snapped her fingers in front of their faces.

"Snap out of it, she's taken."
"Okay and?" asked Joey with a smug look on his face.

"I'm lesbian." stated Katarina looking at him.
"Oh" the two boys said.

Katarina and Sophiia simply laughed.
They all sat at the table and drank coffee.

"So, how do you know each other?" asked Monica.

"We've known each other, pretty much our whole lives. We meet in middle and the rest is history." Katarina said.

An hour went by and the friends were still talking about Sophiia and Katrina's high school and college experience.

"Katarina, you can't flirt!"
"Yes, I can"

"Honey, you asked a girl from our class to which school she goes to, on our first day of college. "

"It was an accident, I was panicking!"

The group just laughed at their relationship. They had a great time. Chandler especially, he could look at her more, learn more about her and her friends.

~~time skip brought to you by chandler's little Dancy dance~~

"I'm so sorry to break the fun but I have to get going, I still have so much to do."

I'm going to end it there, couse idk how to end stories. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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