Clowning Around | Baby x Ballora

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Being a robot programmed to do certian things at a constant rate can be tiring. Ballora seemingly having the worst of it, as she typically stood uncomfortably 'perfect' and often danced her way around. Walking was a challenge, as the steps would soon turn into twirls that just happened to push her forwards.

Due to this ... inconvenience, the ballerina usually stayed in her Gallery. Dark, cold and alone. Of course, Funtime Freddy was near but he always wondered off to bother Lolbit (just to make a mess for their ringleader to clean up).

Speaking of ringleaders, the clown herself was mainly the one who would visit the dancer. She's always takin a liking to Ballora, it always felt like something was just right when she was around the bluenette.

Baby did have some drawbacks with her being a clown and all, she often hummed a rather brain numbing amount and she was often being ... 'silly'. Cracking terrible jokes, being cartoonishly clumsy and having very VERY exaggerated... well everything. People could read her like a book, her pigtails even moved up and down as if they were dog ears. Her pupils often changed shapes to match her current feeling (although, everyone else had this feature too).

It took edge off of her knowing Ballora couldn't see, with both her eyes typically being closed and her room being a familiar dark.


The clown made her way down the hall towards Ballora Gallery, her footsteps were quite recognizable for Ballora so it wasn't really a surprise when the clown showed up. This time is no different.

Baby walked in the room, glancing around. Her eyes lit up faintly where she was going. Of course, she still almost fell over a lone poster in the floor. "Hey, Bal! How's it hanging?"

Ballora smiled warmly, turning her attention off of her dancing number to the tall girl. "Hello, Baby. I'm doing quite alright, what about you?"

The clown made her way to the stage and sat down with a loud noise following. She wasn't the lightest of the robots... "It's been great! Gosh, but the amount of paperwork is stacking up like you wouldn't BELIEVE! Although that's party cause of lawsuits, the newest one being a child breaking a toe bone after they kicked Freddy." The clown chuckled, "I get that freddy is round and white, but I don't see how they could mistake him for a ball."

It was an extremely pathetic attempt at a joke, but it made the dancer laugh.

Ballora began to slightly sway around, just to have some kind of movement going for her. "I don't understand how many children feel the need to harm Freddy."

"He does have a punchable everything. He's also kinda short so the nads are optimal for children," Baby deadpanned. Ballora once again let out a soft chuckle.

Baby looked up at her, she couldn't see much beyond the soft glow of her own eyes, but she could manage to make out her silhouette at least. The clown stood up and walked over to her, "Hey, I want to dance with you!"

On paper, it was a fun idea. In action? Horrible. Baby's dances weren't nearly as complex or skill based as Ballora, she simply wasn't MADE for it. Baby was more heavy set and.. honestly she was built like a tall brick. Not very aerodynamic.

"Uh- Baby are you sure that's a good idea?" Ballora froze and faced the ringleader, who held a big goofy grin.

"Whaaaat, scared I'll be so amazing that I'll be the new ballerina? I know, my skills CAN be unmatched but I promise I will let you keep your place ... for now," she chuckled.

Although Ballora wasn't the biggest fan of the idea, she nodded softly and agreed. She took the clowns big and oddly warm hands.

Slowly, Ballora moved with the clown in a gracious matter. Baby was trying to copy Ballora's movements, except she looked like one of those balloon guys that wave around in front of stores. In Ballora's eyes, it was adorable ... and a hazard to everything within arm range of the clown.

Baby was clueless on what she was doing, but eventually her feet betrayed her and they she fell back. Out of reflex, she went to grab anything to try and hold up her weight. That thing being Ballora.

Baby bring over 500ibs and Ballora being near 200 didn't exactly help the cause.

Baby smacked the back of her head on the floor and groaned. Ballora on the other hand crashed into the clowns chest and sort of grabbed onto her. Baby was the first to sit up-

Well, sitting up being propping her upper half on her elbows and looking down to see a blue head of hair. "Oh, gosh dang it... I'm sorry Bal, I didn't mean to trip up - maybe I'm not the best dancer."

Baby helped Ballora sit up and regain posture. The two sat in front of each other. The clown had a worried and sad expression, while Ballora was just drowning herself in her rather homosexual thoughts about her boss of all people. Although, the redhead misread it as the other girl having negative emotions.

"I guess a pretty dancer shouldn't be clownin' around with someone like me, eh?" She tried to lighten the mood, ... tried. "Um... Ba-"

"Yes!" Suddenly Ballora exclaimed, quickly shooting up on her feet. "It's okay! ... Did you just call me pretty?"

The clown laughed at the ballerinas sudden action, slowly lugging herself up. "Yeah, why wouldn't I? You're beautiful."

"You're pretty too."

"Eh," sheepishly the taller girl put her hand on her neck and gently scratched it. "I wouldn't use that word to describe me, but I guess it's up to 'the eye of the beholder' or whatever."

The smaller girl nodded, a smile growing on her face. "I think you owe me some baked sweets after rudely falling and dragging me with you."

The clown let out a snort, smacking her own knee. "'Course! Let's make some. And I can lick off the batter from the mixer, right?"

"Yes, you can."
1021 words
I was also requested to do a wholesome smut which I'm on the fence about. So give me feedback (or more request) please :')

Baby X Ballora [ONE-SHOTS] {Request Open}Where stories live. Discover now