Memorable Eyes | Student!Baby x Student!Ballora

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~ ALL POV is in third person, third person narrative. I'm testing writing styles, excuse the 'mess' that is sure to happen throughout the book. Enjoy.

Memorable Eyes | Student!Baby x Student!Ballora (I didn't know how to phrase it shut the hell up-)

"I have a roommate...," the small girl muttered gently, repeating the words of the worker. Her finger gently pressed against her lips. As thoughts pondered throughout her mind, she was oblivious to the world around her. Not noticing how she had been holding up the line and irritating many, the receptionist had to bring her tone to force her head from the clouds.

"Ma'am... you're holding the line up, as you can see," the lady gestures toward the line of young adults behind her. "Here is your room key, enjoy your stay. If you have any farther questions, please call with the number provided on the card." The lady handed her the items she had mentioned.

The young girl's cheeks dusted with red blush, embarrassed by her habit of zoning out. Her train of thought was always at full speed. "Ah... haha. I-I'm terribly sorry!" She swiftly apologized before walking away, wanting to leave the thick tension of annoyance that was directed towards her being a complete airhead.

"Well... that certainly could have gone better. You clown..." she called herself out mentally. While taking a step in the elevator, a device she was quite afraid of. Not for the normal reasons such as getting stuck. No, no. The young girl was convinced there was a high chance of it bringing her to an underground area where she would fight for her own precious life. Honestly, the redhead wasn't ready to die yet. More over, if she was going to die she wanted to die in a fashionable way.

It was a fear that had stuck with her ever since she was a child. Seven, at best. As they say, things can be misunderstand from the eyes of a child. Goes to show it can be carried on onto older age. When you're said to stop believing these foolish things.

Once again, the girls thoughts had been shot down by someone in the elevator giving her a rather rough elbow in the shoulder. She quickly noticed she was at her floor and gave the unknown male a soft laugh before walking out. "You moron... God, this day is going all your way with first impressions."

Giving herself a reassuring smile, she had reached her dorm. A dorm she know she would be sharing. Cautiously, she knocked on the door. Mainly due to not knowing to walk in.

A woman answered the door, she had a taller and more matured body figure. "Hello?" She spoke. The smaller girl gave an awkward wave, "Uhm... Hi! I'm Casey. I'm going to be your new roommate."

"Oh," the taller girl moved back slightly, allowing Casey's entrance. "I knew I would have someone show up. I'm glad it's another girl. Make yourself at home." The women smiled. Before Casey had a chance to respond, she was quickly cut off by her new roommate.

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry for my rude manors. My name is Bernadette. Bernadette Breevort. But many people just call me by my middle name, Laurie," she slightly rambled. Casey gave her a warm smile. This is when Laurie could get a good look at the smaller girl, unknowingly ignoring her words.

Casey was unique, to say the least. A fairly built, short, fairly flattened body structure. Red-Orange, almost amber coloured hair, that almost compliment her big, bright green-blue eyes. The tip of her nose and her cheeks had a rose red tint to them. She had pearly white teeth, silver bracing tracing over everyone visible one. Her skin tone was pale, while it still had life.

The attire she wore was simple. Wearing a black shirt, having a small clown on it, covered by an unzipped grey hoodie printed by many small Loony Toons characters. Dark red jeans, which were tight on her small legs. And some black covered (that had sharpie doodles all over them, notably of Garfield.)

Slung over her shoulders was a decent sized Roots brand backpack, filled with various items. Along with the Roots backpack, in her left hand was a Roots duffel bag. To which Laurie had assumed was just clothing.

Casey had a smile that could light up a whole room. She was waiting patiently for Laurie's response, her free hand halfway in her jean pocket.

This is when Laurie realized and gave a small chuckle. "Ah! S-Sorry!" She felt awkward to say the least. Luckily, Casey just shrugged it off. "I'm going to unpack, get some stuff cleared and make a small schedule."

Casey glanced around the small room. It contained of pale brown-grey walls, white ceiling and wooden flooring. There was two beds, one empty for Casey. The other filled with books, paper and a laptop. There was two small dressers for each girl and a bathroom. Stuffed in the corner was a table, under it a mini fridge and above was a micro wave and some bread and fruits.

While Casey unpacked her things and put them away, she noticed items in her ears. They were covered by her fuzzy hair. Hearing-aids. "That must explain her slight lisp." Laurie had assumed to herself, watching her unpack before she returned to her studies.

After some time, Casey sat on her newly made bed and gazed over towards her new roommate. The thing that confused her the most is how much older and more mature she looked. "I wonder what she is studying.." her curiosity kicked in, as expected. A trait she had always held.

"Mind if I ask what you're studying, Laurie?" The smaller girl questioned, flopping her weight on Laurie's bed. What a conversation starter, right? But it worked. The two managed to spark a conversation and it led to a night full of meaningless words and random stories that had previously been faded out of their memories.

Casey was going to enjoy her new roommates company.
word count: 1024

wow. this was made back in 2020? i think. it's old and.. weird structure.

pls leave suggestions :)

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