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Kerrigan's POV:

I stood next to Varian as Baymax approached us and said with a slight wave

Baymax: hello. I am Baymax your personal health care companion. I was alerted for the need of medical attention when you said- "ow."

Daniel mouthed behind Baymax making me snicker

Varian: a robotic nurse...

Baymax: on a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your pain?

Varian: physical-?

He looked at his brother angrily

Varian: or emotional...

I started giggling again catching his attention

Baymax: I will scan you for injuries now. Scan complete. You have a slight epidermal abrasure on your forearm. I suggest an anti bacterial spray-.

He grabs Varians arms ready to spray it when

Varian: woah, woah, woah... What's in the spray specifically..?

Baymax: the primary ingredient is bacitracin.

Varian: tch that's a bummer... I'm actually allergic to that..!

Baymax: you do not have an allergy to bacitracin. But you do have a medical record of fainting or passing out when seeing blood.

He said pointing his index finger in the air

Baymax: and by file recognition. Kerrigan has a very high allergy to bee venom. Are you staying away from them at all costs?

Me: yeah Baymax I am..!

I said smiling brightly

Varian: huh not bad...

He said giving Baymax his arm he looks between me and Daniel

Varian: you two have done some serious coding on this thing huh..?

Kerrigan: yep mostly Daniel though I just built his skeleton he programmed him and built the outer look

Daniel: yep over 10,000 medical procedures right in this chip

Me: that right there is what makes Baymax! Baymax..!

He smiles at me that gap tooth grin from the bot fight making me slightly flustered he then he poked at Baymax

Varian: vinyl?

Tadashi: yeah going for a non threatening huggable thing...

Varian and me: looks like a walking Marshmallow no offense..!

We looked at each other then laughed a little

Baymax: I am a robot I can not be offended

Varian got close to his face pulling it close poking at his eyes

Varian: hyperspectral cameras...

Tadashi: yep..!

Varian: huh-..

He looked at Baymaxs torso the went in so did I

Varian: titanium skeleton...

Me: actually carbon fiber built by yours truly!

Varian: right even lighter..!

He looks down surprised then smiles brightly

Varian: killer actuators! Where did you even get those?!

I removed my face form Baymaxs torso

Me: actually I machined them right here in the Lab...

Varian: really...?!

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