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3rd person POV:

As Kerrigan walks down the stairs with Varian they meet the gang

Quirin: hey son... Kerrigan good to see your doing better

Quirin gives him his lunch then Kerrigan a sweet from the case making them both smile as he gets a hug from both

Varian and Kerrigan: last hug..!

They both said in unison hugging him at the same time then they all headed to SFIT

Kerrigan's POV:

I helped Varian with some boxes as he placed Daniel cap on a lamp making me smile as I unbox Baymaxs rocket fist I fist bump it

Me: you did good bud...

Varian come up from behind me and placed a kiss on my cheek and then he fist bumps it to

Varian: ba-lalala..!

Suddenly a green light emits from the fists and I open it to see

Me: no way...

I pick up daniels healthcare chip from the palm and Varian hugs me spinning me around the room

Many failed attempts later

Varian: ow..?

Baymax then activates and says his usual line

Baymax: I am Baymax your personal healthcare companion. Hello Varian hello kerrigan.

We look at him surprised and then both hug him he hugs us back a few days later you guessed it we were flying around sanfransokyo again helping people

3rd person POV:

Kerrigan: we didn't set out to be super heros

Kerrigan said as she and Varian fly next to each other Eugene slightly ahead of them

Kerrigan: but hey life doesn't always go the way you plan..!

Varian: the good thing is my brother Daniel and amazing secret girlfriend Kerrigan wanted to help a lot of people and that's what we're gonna do so who are we?

We stand in pose at the end as it said under us big hero 7

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