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We all know what a twist is in a story....a twist we never thought was coming.

Enid entered the dorm with a grin she instantly layed down looking at the ceiling

"i'm guessing ajax did this to you" Wednesday said not bothering to look at her roommate, enid giggled at his name being mentioned "yes Wednesday it was lovely, a lovely night could ever happen" enid said closing her eyes. Silence took over the room before enid spoke "by the way where is thing" she asked

Wednesday looked over at her bag grabbing a book as she opened it "i don't would've been here by now" Wednesday said touching her necklace; enid walked over to her "Wednesday you should look out for thing" Wednesday finally look at her "he doesn't need a look out" she said going back to the book, enid crossed her arms "he has feelings too, and i am worried i mean what if something bad happens to him-" Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Wednesday.

"he will be alright." Enid stayed Silence as she spoke again "did you ever found the person" Enid said, Wednesday closed the book "I'll make sure to change his mind" she said getting up

Enid smile widely "so It’s a guy, tell me what you guys talked about" Wednesday stare at her "Have you ever heard of the phrase mind your own business"? Wednesday said as Enid smile fall "come onnnn Wednesday you can trust me" "I'll trust you when i feel like it" Wednesday said grabbing a Cello making Enid groaned

the door swing open revealing thing, Enid grabbed thing smiling at it before thing started to do sign language fast "whats wrong thing, slow down" Wednesday look at thing reading what his saying before frowning she placed the Cello in its place and grabbed her backpack "thing stay with Enid, i have something to take care of" she said leaving

Enid look confused looking at thing before sighing. Wednesday slowly walked towards a statue, tapping her finger twice as the statue revealed a secret underground library she went downstairs seeing a certain siren with a artist.

"look who's here, have you Decided to join" Bianca asked getting ignore by the addam she scoff "i am here Because i need you're help" Wednesday said feeling the stare giving by Xavier

"wow needing my help for what" bianca asked, Wednesday stayed Silence "Wednesday-" Wednesday spoke cutting off Xavier "to catch the Hyde" Wednesday said walking over to a book Shelf grabbing a book from there "a hyde? What the heck is that" bianca asked staring at Wednesday

"the monster that's going to kill us all here" she said closing the book staring back at the siren, bianca stayed Silence for a second "okay fine but only Because of the people and-" she turned towards Xavier "make sure no one comes here" she said leaving

Xavier walked towards Wednesday Holding out his hand "the book Please" Wednesday ignore him putting the book back herself "i have Decided to join too" Xavier said making Wednesday look at him suspiciously "why is it Because bianca agreed to join.." she asked

Xavier shaked his head "no i just felt bad for what i said and i have thought about it and yes i would love to help you" Wednesday give him a half-smile making him blush as he grin at her.

knowing someone is being there friend, following them time to time is being stalkerish...but i am not here for that...only here for one way Another i will find you and get my revenge.

Never thought I'll fall for you... Wednesday x XavierWhere stories live. Discover now