A joke?

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"Xavier something is going to happen apparently." Wednesday said, her eyes wondered around the room.

Xavier looked confused but shock also "what's going to happen?" The psychic artist asked waiting for a reply but it never came.

Wednesday started walking towards the front door of the classroom opening it "meet in you're shed tonight." She said leaving.

Xavier shaked his head but slightly touched his lip, a smile formed in his face "we kissed" he said to himself as his smile grew wider.

Wednesday stopped at a certain bee hive walking towards a shed, she stopped raising her hand tapping on the front door of it. The shed door opened revealing

Eugene who had a big smile on his face "Wednesday I am glad you're here!" He said excitedly letting Wednesday in.

"Eugene, can I borrow this shed for one night." Wednesday said, Eugene shrug "sure but as long as my bee's are safe" he said putting on a suit to protect him.

From the bee's "why do you need it anyway" asked Eugene Wednesday put her hand out touching the walls "something I can't quite say." Said Wednesday.

Once again Eugene shrug "okay but can you help me feed my bee's-if you want too" Wednesday nodded before putting on a suit.

When night arrived Xavier snuck out the campus into his shed finding Wednesday waiting for him "how long have you been there" he asked "for a while" she answered back.

"Okay so what is this meet up about"

"I had a vision when we kissed." She replied earning a smile from Xavier "was the vision about you enjoying our one minute kiss" Xavier said Looking at her.

Wednesday stayed silence for a minute before speaking up "this isn't about the kiss" Wednesday said staring at him.

Xavier could almost see a slight smile formed across her face about mentioning the kiss.

"It’s something i can't understand" "then what happened in the vision" Xavier asked stepping closer to the raven "it was someone laying dead in the ground beside me and..a hyde coming at me."

She felt disgusted and Furious about the word hyde "i don't know what it means but right now i can say i'm not safe." She took a deep breath after saying that.

"But i don't care. I need to figure out what was that vision about, what it could do to me." Wednesday took a step back towards Xavier.

"And who was laying dead beside me." She said in a low tone, Xavier sigh scratching the back of his neck as he lean back towards a chair.

"Want me to draw out the person?" Xavier asked getting a Slight surprise from the raven, she had stayed silence for a minute before nodding her head.

"I'll tell you if I have any dreams of it" he said Wednesday walked up to him kissing his cheek as a thank you.

"Gee, you're going to be the death of me" the physic artist said feeling himself heat up. Wednesday walked up to the front door of the shed.

"I'll be more then that." She said opening it as she left. Xavier sigh deeply touching his cheek "i'll hope for that" he said to himself.

Wednesday walked up to a bee shed sighing in front of it before opening it but stopped.

Upon hearing a voice behind her "Wednesday?" She turned around staring at the person in front of her.

"What are you doing here." She asked "i was just walking but then i saw you-" the voice continued "so i decided to come up to you to say hi so..hi" it said.

"Hi." Wednesday said as her voice come out cold, "you shouldn't be here" said Wednesday "why not?" Asked the voice.

"Because it's dangerous"

"You're dangerous to my heart" the voice said leaning in making Wednesday roll her eyes.

"You're puns are stupid and not funny, Tyler."

Tyler smile but with a oddly smile "it's a joke" said Tyler

"A joke.?"

"Yeah you know-" Tyler was shortly cut off by the raven

"Jokes are suppose to be funny, stupidly funny. But it was clearly not made for you."

Wednesday said as her tone became more cold, Tyler couldn't help but frown a bit before putting on a smile.

"Okay that hurt" he said putting his hand in his chest jokingly but stopped after Wednesday opened the shed.

Just as he was about to walk in, Wednesday stop him "you aren't allowed in here, no one is." She said going inside.

As she closed the door of the shed in Tyler's face leaving him outside alone. He could feel himself rage, heavy breathing was coming out of him

But he stopped himself, walking away with a Furious look on his face.


"Suspect number one."

Never thought I'll fall for you... Wednesday x XavierWhere stories live. Discover now