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Wednesday take a deep breath "lets kiss" she moved around "no, how about this" she moved around again stopping in front of thing "Let’s kiss now" she said smiling making thing confused

thing tap doing sign language, Wednesday sigh heavily before frowning "It’s just an act" thing got confused even more "It’s an act for..." Wednesday slightly blush "someone..."  they both heard a gasp, they turned around finding enid standing there

In shock the werewolf scream in excitement "omg! Wednesday why Didn't you tell me!" she said walking towards them grabbing Wednesday hands shaking them "Tell you what." Wednesday asked

Enid rolled her eyes playfully "come on! don't play dumb you can tell me who's the lucky guy or girl" she said but Wednesday instantly let her hands free "don't be ridiculous.." she said walking away from enid and thing

enid sigh walking towards her bed as she sat on it "i am you're roommate also you're friend so you can tell me" she turned towards thing "right thing" she asked, thing nodded

"don't be ridiculous, thing is a hand not a human" Wednesday said picking up something, thing felt offended while enid pat him "Wednesday like i said earlier, thing has feelings y'k" enid said smiling at thing

Wednesday turned towards both of them "you're that kind of girl that wants to know everyone business" "hey!" enid yelled; Wednesday walk towards them Slowly "since you wanna know so bad...i'm practicing...for a kiss that i may or may not do to Xavier" Wednesday said preparing for enid to scream and well she was..

"ahhh!" enid Quickly got up in excitement "omg! i never thought you would fall in love!" she walked up towards Wednesday "Congrats wed" she said making addams raised one of her eyebrows "is that a nickname" she asked as enid nodded repeatedly.

"i better get going" she said. Enid look confused "to where" enid asked "to Xavier of course" Wednesday said leaving "good luck wed!" enid shouted from behind.

Wednesday open the classroom looking around as she spotted Xavier talking to someone she walked up to him, stopping behind him. Xavier turned around getting startled "jeez you're trying to kill me" he said jokingly as he laughed

"i don't even know why you're always startled when i'm around" Wednesday said Xavier lean it staring into her eyes "Because of you're beautiful face" he said "so you're telling me my face scares you?" Wednesday asked

"no-" "i get that a lot" Wednesday said half smiling leaning in even more "it is pretty 'scary' isn't it" Wednesday said touching her face as she laughed a bit. Xavier couldn't help but smile "oh i see you're becoming a joker now" he said

Wednesday sigh, closing her eyes "here we go." she said to herself "what-" Xavier Didn't finish his sentence as Wednesday pull him into a kiss. His eyes widen in shock but kissed her back as well, it was a minute kiss

As they pull apart, Xavier stare at her with a huge grin on his face suddenly Wednesday look up as her eyes went backwards. She saw a person, a person that got Killed laying down on the ground but when she look up a hyde ran towards her as the vision ended

"whats wrong" Xavier asked, Wednesday stayed Silence as she frowned.

Never thought I'll fall for you... Wednesday x XavierWhere stories live. Discover now