Day Three: The Weekend

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Tommy, who is now going inside the tub filled with water while Wilbur on the side with a shower gel and a scrub in his hands waiting to bathe his lovely, cutesy and funny little brother which tommy doesn't want to. And so, with a raspy and hoarse voice ( cause his throat was now in permanent damaged from consuming a boiling hot soup from the beginning without his own will and consent) he said;

"You d-don't need to do this for me I can bathe on my own"

He tried to take the scrub from the man's hand but the next thing he knew...

*Loud splashing sounds*


He was being submerged to the water to drown for a moment before he was being pulled back from it only to submerged again forcefully.


While Wilbur was doing so, he also applied the shower gel and started to scrub him as well at the same time. When he's finished it's Techno turns to dry him out with the towel. Tommy tried to resist but it only earns him a punch to the stomach. He tumbled to the floor while holding the part that's already appeared a bruise while techno roughly cleans his body while giving insults here and there.

"You're lucky I'm being nice by giving you just that. If I weren't I would give you worse than it. You should be thankful that we still here giving you a bath, a dinner and a sleep. You are nothing without us tommy. You can't even handle this small pain I gave and it's pathetic. How can you survive out there? No one loves you. Not even your real parents. They left you with a thought that you will be an insufferable, annoying brat you know? It is such misfortunate for them to give birth to you and that's why they got rid of you when you out from the womb. You deserve every thing that we gave you. The beating, the insults cause you are misbehaving right now and you know it."

That left a huge hole on tommy's heart only to be filled with something dark inside. Yes, this is how he's living now for three weeks since the day he's here, trapped inside this madhouse. He's been received a constant abuse wether it's physical or verbal by both of them and their father, Philza did nothing but look at him with a smirk as he suffered by their continues torture. Bruise and scars were covering his skin with a bandage while his own sanity slowly slipped up from his grasp. Every pain he gets makes him feel he deserves it and every time the siblings were done, they clean him up and gave him a little bit of affection as an aftercare saying that there sorry while also saying he deserves it because he's not being a good boy and it makes tommy received a warm feeling inside his own body and it's so wrong because he know that he started to like it. He know that he is slowly losing his mind. There is something crawling inside and he doesn't liked it. It is something that's crazy. Something that's evil. And it's something that so dark waiting to be release. And there it was, escape from it's bindings of his consciousness and spoke;

"Tommy, just gave up. There is no one love you there except them. They were right since the beginning and you know it. You are nothing but a hateful and mean brat out there. You're a parasite trying to live so pathetically at the outside world with those people and they never appreciate any of your actions. And that which is why our parents throw us away like a trash we are. Leaving us alone with no experience of how it's feel like to have a family. Now, we have an chance to but instead you being a little bit#h to our brothers and a bad boy to our father. Right now I want you to stop misbehaving and be a good little brother for them. Enjoy your new life. Embrace it tommy."

"That right, embrace it."

"Be a good boy and embrace it"

"Embrace it."

"Embrace it."

"Embrace it."
"Embrace it."
"Embrace it."

The voice has now duplicates and it is chanting the same word which make it harder for tommy to ignore.

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