Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


Well it's back to school and I really hate Monday's. It was after lunch and right now I was in home ec 101 . Today we are learning how to go grocery shopping and money management. I already know this shit because like I said before my parents are alcoholics. I had to learn to provide for myself. My mom is also a drug addict but she just never got caught. Yeah my home life sucks ass. They are also homophobic so if they found out I was gay I probably won't see daylight ever again. I was sitting in class right now with annoying Cassie by my side. She has a crush on me but she's not my type and is too clingy. I found myself dozing off during class.

Destiny Nightmare

Destiny: No stop it leave me alone

Dad: You know you want me LOVE ME NOW DESTINY

Destiny: No stop get off me daddy stop

Dad: *Smack* and if you tell anyone I will kill everyone you love while you watch

How could my father do this to me. I'm his daughter and I'm only nine years old. I hate men now; and I will never be with one. Fuck love and I hate my father as of now. But I have to stop fighting him because he knows what I did. Each thrust felt more and more painful. Finally he stopped, left the room, and I just led in bed and cried.

2 months later

Destiny: Mommy you have to believe me I'm pregnant with daddy baby

Mom: You stupid ass little girl, you deserve it. He is my husband and your a sad pathetic little slut. You better not tell your dad about this conversation or will kill you. Now you're grounded go to your room.

I left and I went to my room and cried for three hours straight. I got on the phone and called up Free and Fiona and told them what's been going on with me and about the baby. They were upset but we are just kids so there is nothing we could do. Besides my father has to do this because he knows what I did to Free twin brother. Later that day after I was off the phone my dad came back and was ready again.

Destiny: I can't take it anymore stop stop STOP

Nightmare Over

I woke up screaming in front of the class and sweaty ass hell. I was on the verge of crying and I just had to get out of class. I grabbed my things and took off to the nearest bathroom. I made sure no one was in here before I started crying. Just then in walks Fiona and Free.

Free: Are you okay hun

Destiny: Yeah I'll be fine

Fiona: Was it the same dream

Destiny: Yeah" she said crying harder

Fiona: I think you should get help because it's not normal to have the same nightmare for years

Destiny: I will someday

Free: So how is he

Destiny: Just fine I was actually going to go see him today if you guys wanna come

Fiona: We be happy too

I loved these girls so much. I could never ask for better friends. But what I did to Free twin brother will eat at my soul forever. One day it was just me and him hanging out and we were roof hopping. One day he slipped and fell off. I could have saved him as he was falling but I was in shock, froze up, and didn't know what to do. He fell and my dad seen. He got rid of the body for me and according to the news he has just went missing. I never told them because they would hate me. How am I supposed to tell them I killed they're brother. An I gave up my son for adoption. But he's with a good family that can provide for him right now because I am not in the right emotional stage to raise him. Apart of me loves him and the other part of me wants him to die or something because he reminds of my father and I hate my father. Anytime we see him we just stroll by the house and say hi to the people that took him. He doesn't know I'm his real mother and he never will. Right now he's still a kid but when he reaches nine and gets to that age where he starts to remember I will no longer come back. The family that has him is woman who couldn't have kids and really wanted one. Her husband is a cool guy and they agreed to take the baby. I'm just glad he's with someone that can provide for him and give him the life he deserves.

To read the rest of the story go to Hinovel. Com

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