Black dragon emperor chapter 1

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{Chroma Speaking}

(Ddraig/Albion Speaking)


- Black Dragon Emperor -

In the town of Kuoh, a small family of three were currently walking back to their home. They had just gotten back from buying new furniture, and a new toy for their son, Issei Hyoudou. The boy held his toy, which was a plush version of a dark dragon with fiery eyes.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look, the dragon's flying!" Said Issei enthusiastically as he swung the dragon around. "Oh wow! You should be careful, Issei. Dragons can bite!" Warned Issei's Mother playfully.

"So are dragons bad, mommy?" Asked Issei curiously as he stopped swinging his toy. Issei's mother looked at Issei with a raised eyebrow, but she would answer her son either way.

"Usually they are... Dragons are fierce and always angry. That's why they are portrayed as villains in most of today's movies." Answered Issei's Mother, much to Issei's confusion.

"But doesn't Mommy get angry too when Daddy spills his coffee everywhere?" Inquired Issei, Issei's Mother glared at her husband as she heard him snicker.

"Yes! Mommy is an evil dragon! Hahaha!" Laughed Issei's Father, much to his wife's annoyance. Issei looked at his mother with shocked eyes and was about to ask if it was true, until his father suddenly stopped walking.

"Dear, what's wrong?" Asked Issei's Mother confused. "We should be careful, I think there are a bunch of lunatics over there." Replied Issei's Father as he pointed at the direction where there were around six suspiciously dressed people.

"Those people look weird." Blurted out Issei, causing his mother to cover his mouth. "Shh! Don't talk about strangers like that!" Scolded Issei's Mother as she saw one of the lunatic's glance at their direction.

"Let's just keep walking." Suggested Issei's Father as he started to walk, followed by his wife and son. But before they could get too far, one of the lunatics got in front of Issei's Father with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Why, hello there... I couldn't help but notice that your son had quite the scent on him." Spoke the Lunatic, angering Issei's Father.

"If you even think about touching my son, you will regret it." Warned Issei's Father protectively. The Lunatic stared at Issei's Father flabbergasted, before bursting out in laughter.

"Hahahaha! Y-You think you can threaten me?!" Laughed the Lunatic before sending a fist into the gut of Issei's Father. "No! Leave daddy alone!" Pleaded Issei who already started crying.

Issei's Father tried to get up, but he just couldn't for some unknown reason. 'What unbelievable strength!' Thought Issei's Father as one punch from the lunatic literally paralyzed him.

"P-Please, take all our money, just don't hurt our son!" Pleaded Issei's Mother who offered her purse, but the Lunatic simply chuckled and before anyone realized it, Issei's Mother started bleeding from her eyes.

"W-What's happening to me?!" Blurted out Issei's Mother in shock and pain as she started screaming in pain, her screams of agony were torture to Issei's ears. While the lunatic was simply getting annoyed, he gestured for one of his fellow lunatics to finish the woman off.

Another lunatic came and held Issei's Mother up from her throat, it was clear that she was choking and would soon die if nobody stopped the lunatic.

Issei charged at the lunatic and tried to punch him, but the lunatic saw this and simply kicked Issei away, sending him flying. As Issei rolled on the ground, multiple bruises on his body could be seen, and his head started bleeding as well.

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