Dark Angel Eternal Flames Chapter 2: Darkness After Dawn

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Dark Angel Eternal Flames

Chapter 2: Darkness After Dawn

I woke up, groggy, my eyes nearly forced shut from the dried tears, the sun annoyingly warm against my face.  I jolted up onto my feet, shaking.  Something was wrong, that underlying feeling I had was even stronger than before.  I was so distraught last night I didn’t think about where I was going, I didn’t let anybody know what was going on, and I wasn’t at the base in case anything happened.  This must have been a part of their plan.  It was evident it was either Caitlin, Mari, or Jackie…no, it couldn’t be Jackie, she’s the bold type; she would have just attacked me dead on.  I sprouted my wings, turning into my Vangel form, and flew as furiously fast as I possibly could.  We can go much faster than we usually do in combat but even with our demonic aura as a protective shield, using our true speed, the wind manages to split our skin open.  I didn’t care; my cheeks were pouring out blood and my eyes felt like they were being torn apart, but I needed to get back to the base and it was going to take double the time because I was so far away.

                Eventually, after an hour or so, I arrived.  A wall on one section of the base was gone, and I saw someone lying slightly under the debris.

                “Hannah!”  I flew down, rushing to get the cement chunks off of her.  She was still breathing thankfully and, barely, in bad shape.  She would be fine, but I was infuriated that someone had attacked her.  I healed her slightly with my limited powers, closing the wounds I could and making her bones ache less.  “Hannah who did this?!”  I shook her slightly, trying to wake her up but not to hurt her.  She opened her eyes and spoke weakly.

                “I couldn’t tell…but Josin….t-they took S-Sarah…!”  My eyes widened.  I set her down and breathed heavily.  “Brother…?”  I looked at her and smiled.

                “Everything is going to be ok little one.”  The attack must have been recent because Michael and David had just now burst into the room.  I had no idea where Katherine was and Kyle must have gone looking for me.  Alex ran past them and began healing Hannah; thankfully his healing is of a higher grade and so she would be healed within the day.  She was asleep again and David walked up to me, able to tell something was wrong.

                “Josin?  Where’s Sarah?”  I looked up, a saddened fury in my eyes.

                “Whoever attacked Hannah…they took her…and my baby.”  He immediately transformed into his Spartan form, the ground tearing beneath his power.

                “What?!  Oh, I’m gonna tear these fuckers apart!  Even if I could have fun with the fight, I’ll jump straight into the torture…as long as they scream in agony I’ll be happy.”  He smiled, trying so hard to comfort me.

                “No, David…it’s alright…I’ll find them.  I’ll kill them.  I’ll rip them apart with my bare hands for this…whoever they are.  I think it might have been Mari or Caitlin.”

                “Let me help!  I know I love to fight, to torture, to kill…but I love you man, you’re one of the closest people I have.  I’d rather help you than sit by and wait!”

                “Just trust me on this ok?”  David gritted his teeth, looking away.  I’m sure it felt like some kind of a betrayal to him, but one so minor he wouldn’t care for long.  He nodded and walked away.  Michael and Alex carried Hannah into the medical bay, leaving me alone.  I walked outside and to another side of the compound; to Maxwell’s grave.  I stared at the carving of him that was in the tombstone and my eyes narrowed in anger.  “Who else needs to die because of who-because of what I am?”  I waved to the stone, turning away and flying.  I flew everywhere within a hundred mile radius trying to search for her energy and I couldn’t find it anywhere.  My wings ached from the hours of flying, but I couldn’t stop.  I wouldn’t stop.  I just kept going until they retracted themselves and I crashed into the ground somewhere in a random forest.  I had no idea where I was and I didn’t care because I just wanted to find Sarah.

                My heart thudded heavily but slowly.  I sat up, covering my mouth and gagged, moving my hand, and puked in the grass.  I walked away, spitting a few times, and stared at a tree.  I don’t know why I snapped, but I punched the tree and it basically exploded into wood chips, the top half of the tree collapsing onto some others.  I screamed at the top of my lungs, hearing it echo fairly far.  My eyes burned, but before I could start to cry several demons surrounded me, all of them werewolves.

                “What the hell is this?”  I said, turning to what seemed to be the Alpha.

                “What does it look like?  We’ve come to kill you.”  The Alpha stated.  I growled, baring my teeth.

                “Let me guess, it’s fucking Caesar who sent you isn’t it?”  My eyes narrowed in anger.

                “I don’t know who Caesar is…but you won’t be alive long enough to find out any-“ I didn’t let him finish his sentence; I was already in front of the Alpha and grabbed his snout slamming it shut making him bite his tongue off and shattering his teeth.  I snapped his snout to the side breaking his jaw and then twisted it in the opposite direction snapping his neck.  His body spun from the force of the twist like a rag doll and slammed into the grass.  The others rushed me and I sprouted my wings, smacking most of them out of the way.  There were about seven left, and I grabbed the one that wasn’t hit by my wings by the throat.  I pulled her close to my face staring into her eyes and whispered.

                “I’ll save you for later you little bitch.”  I threw her to the side, slamming her into a tree, and stabbed her shoulders with several feathers pinning her to the tree.  I turned around quickly, sliding one leg straight out bending the other, slicing one of the werewolves in half with my wings.  One jumped in the air and I went Vangel in an instant and was above him, kicking him in the spine as hard as I could.  My foot dug into his back hitting the back of his rib cage and forced them to stab through his body.  I grabbed the face of one other, kicking away the other attackers, and used point blank black hellfire, the fire incinerating its face and flowing out of its eyes between my fingers.  I jumped and burnt two of them instantly with the hellfire, only one remaining.  I walked toward it slowly, my head slightly down.  The werewolf cowered in fear falling onto its knees.

                “P-Please…show mercy…!”  I grabbed it by the throat slamming it into the ground so quickly in one motion I snapped its shin bones out of its legs.  I gritted my teeth, my currently vampiric, red eyes, glowing violently from my demonic aura.

                “Whoever sent you must have told you…mercy isn’t my thing.”  I squeezed its throat tight, its eyes about to pop from its head and blood gurgling out of its mouth.  “Especially for pieces of shit like YOU!”  I squeezed much tighter, tearing through its entire throat popping its head off.  I walked to the one I left alive against the tree, pulling her off.  She screamed and I dropped her, letting her crawl away.  I began walking to her and she turned onto her back, clearly in so much shock she was unable to get up.  I walked slightly faster and she stopped in fear.  I stepped on her kneecaps putting pressure on them, grabbing her hands, crushing her knuckles.  I stepped on her knees harder, lifting her body up, my fingers piercing her hands.  “Tell me who sent you.”

                “N-Never…!”  She cried horrifically.  I yanked her up, inverting her legs.

“TELL ME!”  I didn’t give her a chance to answer, and bent her hands back so far they tore off slowly.  She began screaming stop after I did so, and I let her go.

                “A-Ah…!  I-It was Jackie!”  The ground around me cracked and she cried in terror.

                “I am sorry that bitch forced you to attack me…”  I set her ablaze and ended her misery.  I reverted to my dark angel form and began flying to her base of operations.  Jackie was a princess and so her compound was well hidden and probably had a barrier that blocked energy and aura senses which would make sense as to why I couldn’t find Sarah’s aura at all.  I wasn’t sure if she’d done anything to Sarah or not but I wasn’t going to wait and find out.  I saved my energy by not going full throttle but it tore me apart having to take my time to some extent.  Around two hours after I started I found her compound.  I flipped forward pulling my wings back in and materializing my katana, slicing downward and through her barrier.  I crashed into the ground, a shockwave from my blade slicing the door in half.  The two pieces fell in different directions and I ran forward, materializing my other katana, screaming,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2013 ⏰

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Dark Angel Eternal Flames Chapter 2: Darkness After DawnWhere stories live. Discover now