01 » spiders suck

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jonathan let his head fall into his hands. it was not his day. he was currently in an alleyway and he didn't even know what time it was. he could assume it was atleast after six, though, as he could barely see anything. his head hurt and his knuckles were bloody. he had a busted lip, but other than that he was decently okay — physically. mentally? that was another story. this girl — nancy — had caught his eye a while ago. he had finally worked up the courage to ask her out and, unfortunately, her boyfriend — that he was unaware of — hadn't taken it too well. he'd threatened jonathan, but jonathan was pretty good at avoiding people. unfortunately, the boy and his little 'gang', including nancy, had caught jonathan while he was busy. he had been taking some pictures of the theater, and the next thing he knew he was getting drug into the alleyway. to make matters worse, before they even fought, steve had broken his camera.

on the bright side, he kicked the dudes ass. jonathan wasn't surprised by his lack of skills, as he was a typical popular boy. his name was steve harrington. him and his group had never liked jonathan, and he was often picked on by his friends, tommy and carol. but, he'd gotten used to it anyway. he easily won the fight, but he still took a pretty decent beating. steve and his little group had taken off, but jonathan couldnt forget the way nancy looked at him. like he was a monster. steve was the one who started the fight! he groaned in exasperation. the scene had been replaying over and over again in his head. he wasn't sure why he hadn't left yet. maybe he was enjoying the time he had sitting in his own sorrow.

that was pathetic. he was pathetic. he could totally understand why — he was an easy target. he rarely stood up for himself and he was a reject. a loser. a freak. he groaned, leaning his head back and throwing his hands down.

in the midst of his little fit, he'd managed to knock over a trash can. he glared at the trash can, as if that would've done anything. although, his anger quickly faded into panic as a massive spider scurried out from under it. he cursed to himself and quickly tried to scramble up from the ground. unfortunately for him, he wasn't near quick enough. the spider crawled onto him, and jonathan tried to brush it off.

this wasn't one of his proudest moments, and he would never admit the squeal that he let out. he attempted to smack it off again, but in his attempt it bit him. he winced. "fuck!" he said, much louder than intended. he finally got it smacked off, and quickly stepped on it. he looked at the bite, wincing again. it left a decent mark and he was bleeding. the marks were small, but jonathan could see the small bits of blood seeping out from the two holes.

that seemed to knock whatever was keeping him from moving out of him pretty quickly. he decided it was probably time for him to head back to his house. he needed to find out if the bite was poisonous or anything. he shoved his hands in his pockets. he started to head back to where he had parked his car. his mind was racing. what if it was poisonous? he wasn't ready to die. he chewed on the inside of his lip.

he unlocked the doors and slid into the drivers side when he finally got to where he had parked. he took his hands out of his pockets, examining the bite. it was already starting to flare up — he didn't like that. that was probably not a good sign, he guessed. he wasn't sure. he didn't really know anything about spiders and their bites. he fumbled with his keys before getting it into the ignition. he ran a hand through his hair, letting out a heavy sigh. he started the car and then started driving.

when he got to his house, he wasn't surprised at the lack of people. his mom was usually still working, and will was usually at mike's house. he sighed and shut the car off. it's fine, he thought to himself, this way he had time to get himself cleaned up before anyone saw him. he unbuckled and got out of the car, making his way over to the house. when he got inside, he made his way to the bathroom. he closed and locked the door behind himself — just incase. he opened the cabinet under the sink and started going through it, looking for whatever you used on spider bites.

that's when it hit him. he had no clue what he was doing. nor did he have any clue on how to tell if the spider was poisonous. he leaned back against the wall, letting himself fall down so that he was sitting. he looked at the bite, turning his hand around as he examined it. it didn't look that harmful. infact, he wasn't even bleeding anymore. surely he was fine, then. it was just some stupid not poisonous spider bite. it would probably be gone in less than a week. he let out a small exhale from that. the note wasn't even important anymore, he could focus on what he actually needed to get cleaned up — his wounds from the fight.

he unlocked the door and went into the kitchen, filling a bowl with water. he poured some salt into it and grabbed a rag before going back into the bathroom. he started dabbing at his wounds with it. he didn't have too many opens wounds, just one on his forehead, but he also wanted to get the blood that was stained down his lip from his nose off. it didn't take him too long to get himself cleaned up, which he was glad, because then he didn't have to worry about his mom and brother seeing him like that.

after he was cleaned up he changed into some pajamas and got into his bed. he couldn't help looking at the bite again. although, he kinda wished he hadn't, because it was starting to swell again. his eyebrows furrowed, but he decided he didn't want to to put too much thought into it. all spider bites did that. probably. hopefully.
word count: 1,110
this is my first time writing smth thats not tbp 😱 anyways i hope this chapter was good and i also hope that y'all will read it even tho it's not tbp..😞🙏

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