10 » a night out

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jonathan sat on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. it had been three days since he last spoke to steve, and he had been avoiding him in every way. he hadn't been to school, he'd barely left the house — he didn't really want to take any risks, but he was also could barely bring himself to. while, yes, he felt some resentment towards steve, he had been enjoying their time together. he had spent the last four years convincing himself to hate steve harrington, telling himself that he was a bad person, and pushing away any good feelings he had towards the older boy, but under all of that, he really missed him; and being around steve had brought brushed away the resentment for a little. then the story reminded him exactly why he needed to stay away.

he rolled over to look out the window, it was dark. that's when it hit him just how long he'd been laying in bed for. he let out a long sigh before he managed to drag himself out of bed. he didn't want to leave, but he needed to do something because this wasn't healthy. as he was getting up, the suit at the foot of his bed caught his eye. maybe jonathan didn't have to go anywhere, or see anyone.

before he put much thought into it, he found himself getting into the suit. as he stared at himself in the mirror, he realized what a bad idea this was. he didn't know how to control his powers at all, or what he was doing. yet, he found himself slipping the mask on anyways. what better way to learn how to control the powers than to use them, right?

he didn't have much time to overthink it before he was climbing out his window. he wasn't even quite sure where he was going, but he was sure he'd figure it out eventually.
surprisingly, he figured out what he was doing pretty quickly. it wasn't very easy to 'swing' around, considering the lack of large buildings in hawkins, but he managed. it was actually pretty nice — peaceful, even. especially once night fell over the town and the outside noise died down. one of the bright sides of living in a small town, the lights didn't stay on and people didn't stay up all night. he'd wandered around for a little before settling on a roof of some store he didn't recognize. it was near the edge of town, he didn't want to risk anyone seeing him — some dude running around in a weird spider costume seemed kinda suspicious.

there were a few other buildings around, but not a lot. he enjoyed the view — he had always enjoyed stargazing, and this was exactly what he needed. although, his peace didn't last too long. after a few minutes, he heard voices from the alleyway behind the building, and of course, he had to investigate. he crawled to the other side of the roof, peering down at the people. he was careful to make sure he wouldn't be seen.

he didn't recognize a either of the two, which was odd, considering he knew most of the people who lived in hawkins. one of the men looked old. way too old to be doing sketchy shit in alleyways. it was hard for him to hear because them of the distance, but he could just barely pick up their conversation.

"..listen, listen. it's nothing severe. i'm just.. having some difficulties. i just need you to get me the chemicals again, okay?" the old-looking one spoke. he sounded confident, sure in what he was saying. the man he was talking to, on the other hand, did not. "you said you were done with this. havent you had enough tampering with peoples lives? think about what happened with the ives girl.. that could happen again," he spoke nervously, and the other man clearly started to get annoyed. "your job isn't to question me. its to do what the hell i tell you. now, get the shit together, and i want it back at the lab by tomorrow." he takes a small pause. "and for the love of god, try to make sure no more animal test subjects are escaping, yeah?" the tone at the end of his sentence came off much harsher than the rest.

the end of the sentence also spiked jonathan's curiosity. if this guy was tampering with animals and chemicals, there was a chance he could've had something to do with the spider. he paused for a minute. it wouldn't really be smart to follow them, considering he had no idea what he was doing, but at the same time it was a chance for him to possibly find out what the hell had happened to him.

by the time he had made his decision, the older man was long gone, and the younger, nervous man was alone. jonathan figured they'd end up at the same place anyway, so he followed the younger man, who made his way out of the alleyway and towards a van. the side of it read, 'hawkins power and light', which was weird — because what the hell would hawkins power have going on that involved testing on animals?

jonathan figured he'd find out, considering that's where he was heading. this was a good opportunity for him to try testing out the sticky-hand things. he figured it was too risky to to try and go for the top or the side, anyone could see him there. so, instead, he found himself crawling under the truck and planting his hands firmly. he was totally and entirely screwed if they just so happened to not work now.

it was a few minutes before the truck started, startling jonathan just a little when it finally did. he shut his eyes tightly, praying that whatever stupid powers he hadnt wouldn't miraculously give up on him. fortunately, they didn't. the truck started to move, and jonathan was still planted firmly to the bottom of it. as it started moving, the whole situation just finally started to hit him — when did he get so bold? never in a million years would he see himself sneaking into a lab while riding on the underside of a van. but yet, here he was, doing just that.

his eyebrows furrowed as he went over the events that led him to the situation, and it didn't take long until steve made his way back into his mind. he felt bad for storming out on the other, he really did, but he just couldn't let himself go through that again. for all he knew, steve could've been just messing with him. for fun. he shook his head, going over the things steve had done for him. steve had done a lot for him over the past week, and jonathan had stormed out on him to repay him. maybe he had been jumping to conclusions too fast and steve really had changed, but jonathan had just ruined it.

maybe he could apologize after this. he nodded to himself, almost smacking his head. after his 'mission' he would go back to steve's house and apologize. maybe he could get him something as well. he paused, thinking. he didn't even know what steve liked. maybe chocolate? everyone likes chocolate. but chocolate seems a little too roman—

he was knocked out of his thoughts when the truck came to an abrupt stop. he could think about how to apologize to steve later, he needed to focus on the questionable situation he'd gotten himself into right now.
word count: 1,279
luka writing actual plot??? 😮

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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