06 » sewing

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after looking for about an hour, the boys had decided on something they could work with. jonathan didn't much care for it, but steve had decided it was the best one they had come across. it was simple, a long-sleeved red shirt with some blue on the under arms, along with some pants that were mostly blue with some red on the shin area. jonathan wasn't sure how it said 'spider-man' at all, but steve was insisting that he could stitch it up to make it look better.

jonathan got in the car and stared at steve, his mouth slightly agape. "nuh-uh, no way. i refuse to believe you of all people can sew." steve scoffed at that. "look- my parents are never home, and sometimes i need to fix up my suit, okay?" steve crossed his arms. he had spent a lot of his alone time teaching himself to sew, way more than he'd ever like to admit. jonathan waved his hand dismissively. "whatever— but i really think you're wasting your time." jonathan said simply. in all honesty, he did. he was no superhero. infact, he was the farthest thing from a superhero. steve rolled his eyes. "i'm not! a superhero is just what we need, especially with the rise in crime in this stupid town lately."

jonathan sighed heavily. "sure, whatever."
the boys had gone to steve's house, much to jonathan's displeasure. he'd wanted to go back to his house and be alone. but, when steve pointed out the fact that his family could easily find out his secret, jonathan was much less keen on going home.

the size of steve's home shocked jonathan everytime he saw it — not that it had been that many times. he'd only been there one other time than now, and he didn't exactly like recalling those memories. as they made their way inside, jonathan looked around. he had never seen the inside, of course. "welcome to my humble abode," steve spoke, and jonathan rolled his eyes. "come on, let's go up to my room." jonathan nodded in reply and followed him up the stairs.

steve pushed open the door to his room, and jonathan was mildly shocked. it wasn't steve-ish. it was clean, perfect even. as if no one lived there. even the bed was perfectly made. there was a small desk beside the window, it had a little light on it and a car picture above it. steve paused for a moment. "oh, oops. i'll be right back." jonathan didn't have time to reply before steve left the room. he came back into the room a couple minutes later with a small sewing machine. well, it wasnt small, but it was the smallest one jonathan had seen. steve set it down on the desk. "sorry," he said. "i have to keep it hidden so my dad doesn't find it— he wouldn't be happy to know i was doing 'girl' things." he chuckled, although nothing in the sentence was funny. jonathan slowly nodded. "right—"

steve noticed the sudden awkwardness in the air. "uhm, let me see that-" steve gestured to the costume. jonathan handed him the clothes. "you can sit down, if you want." steve offered, turning to face his desk so he could get to work. jonathan hesitantly sat down on his bed. he watched steve closely, he was kinda curious as to what the other boy was doing. steve was drawing on a small sketch pad. he was a surprisingly good artist, jonathan thought.

he must've been staring for two long, because steve caught him. "quit- its hard to draw when someone is boring holes into the back of my head." jonathan jumped, and then quickly looked away. "sorry." he mumbled. he fidgeted with his fingers, looking anywhere but at steve now. he looked out the window, and it suddenly hit him how late it was. he checked his watch and his eyes widened as he realized it was nearly ten pm. "uhm— can i call my house?-" steve didnt look up from what he was doing. "go ahead. but i swear to god, byers, if you get stuck to my phone—" steve warned.

jonathan held his hands up defensively. "i wont, i wont." steve looked at him now, narrowing his eyes at him. "in the hall, near the bathroom. i doubt you'll miss it." he looked back at the drawing, and jonathan nodded.

he followed the directions steve had given him and, just as he said, it was hard to miss. he dialed the number and then put the phone to his ear. after a couple seconds, someone picked up. "hello?" the voice was young and jonathan easily recognized the voice as will. "hey!" jonathan replied. "jonathan!" will said, jonathan could hear the smile in his voice. "mom was just starting to wonder where you were. where are you anyways?" jonathan cleared his throat. "yeah, uh, that's why i called. i'm gonna be staying at a friend's house tonight."

"friend? you have friends to stay with?" jonathan couldnt help a small chuckle from that. the younger boy often just said what was on his mind, he really needed to work on that. "yeah, i do— tell mom for me, okay? i'll be back tomorrow."

"okay! i'll see you tomorrow!" will said, and with that, the line went silent. jonathan put the phone back before going back into steve's room. he hesitantly sat back down on the edge of the bed. the other boy was still working on the drawing, as jonathan figured he would be. jonathan found himself staring again, but not at the drawing this time. he was watching steve. he wasn't sure why, but he couldn't bring himself to look away.

he took notice of how some loose strands of hair fell into his face. he noticed the way that steve chewed on his bottom lip. he rolled his lip under his teeth before biting down on it. he chewed on it for a minute, before stopping. but, he just repeated the process again. now jonathan found himself paying attention to how pink his lips were. it was a nice color, it really complimented his face perfectly. then his mind started to wander to places jonathan did not like. he practically choked and his face flushed. he quickly looked away from steve, who flinched at jonathan's sudden noise. he turned to look at jonathan with a raised brow. "everything alright over there?"

jonathan cleared his throat — he looked like a deer in headlights. "yeah– sorry, i just—" he cut himself off, shaking his head. "nothing, sorry. i'm out of it, clearly–" he chuckled awkwardly. steve shrugged, turning back to his desk and leaving jonathan to panic by himself. he ran a hand through his hair. he was under a lot of stress, that was the most logical explanation. he just needed to clear his mind and get some rest, surely.
word count: 1,169
no jonathan ur not stressed ur just gay pookie

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