Meet Anna

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Sunday, September 1st


"Jesus Anna! Give them a chance." I hear my teammate and friend, Kristoff say through my Turtle Beach headset.

"The weak deserve no mercy!" I reply deepening my voice to sound menacing. "You're welcome to join them Kris if you wish."

"And be on the other end of the Annahilator? No thank you. I just want the noobs to enjoy the game so that they stay in the lobby."

"They knew what they were getting themselves into. Like this one here." I switch from my empty Swordbreaker to my Hawkmoon and plant two rounds into a hunter's back and finish him off with my throwing knife, ending the crucible match.

"And of course, Anna is on top." I hear James say.

"Damn right I am!"

"I see Anna loves being on top heh heh."

"That'll be on you grave you if you keep talking like that." I reply to Kristoff.

"I...... believe you."

"Good." Suddenly I get whiff of the shepherd's pie baking in my kitchen. "I smell dinner now guys so I'll probably see you two at school tomorrow."

"Alright Anna. Catch you later."

"See ya later Anna!" Kristoff says after James.

"See ya!" I add at the end. Then I hold the home button on my PlayStation 4 controller and put my system in rest mode. I take off my headset, toss the controller on my bed and dart out of my room. Taking a right I run down the steps, skipping every other step as I go. Reaching the bottom I turn left and run into the kitchen, nearly colliding with my mom.

"Whoa Anna! Where's the fire?"

"In my stomach. Where's the food?"

"I just pulled it out of the oven. We've gotta let it cool down a little."

"But my stomach's already on fire though, right?"

My mom smile's and chuckles at that comment. "Fine, when you've got blister's on your tongue and can't talk to your little buddies, I better not hear any complaining."

"I wouldn't be able to anyway but I'll wait."

"Smart choice. Now go get a couple of plates for me."

"Alright." I walk over to the cabinet and grab two plates. I hand them to my mom watch as she takes the spatula and cuts out a square of the delicious looking shepherd's pie. She puts it on a plate and hands it to me. My mouth immediately begins to salivate just from looking at it. I reach to my left and open the kitchen drawer to grab two forks. I make it to the table at the same time as my mother and hand her a fork. the moment my butt hits the seat I start to dig in.

"Good lord, Anna. Don't inhale it."

"Buh ih jushh shoo guuuud."

"I swear, it's like I'm raising a boy.

I swallow the last bit of food in my mouth and immediately scoop up another fork-full of shepherd's pie. "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing at all... Oh wait, there's the whole you being a female thing."

"Whatever happened to not judging a book by it's cover?" I shovel the food on my fork into my mouth.

"Your ovaries aren't on the outside of your body, are they?"

This time I wait to finish tending to the mouthful of food before answering. "Gross, mom. I'm changing the subject... School starts tomorrow!"

"Do you know how many parents would love to hear their child be excited about going back to school?"

"I know, I'm strange. But I've got friends to hang with, and enemies to destroy."I fill my mouth with another forkful of mashed potatoes.

"Oh the good days. Are there at least more friends than enemies?"

"So far. But people suck."

"Well you have to give them a chance. I thought your father sucked for a while before we started dating."

"Wait, really? What made him suck?"

"He had a really... Unique sense of humor that was only funny to himself. But over time I was able to look past that and see the sweet caring side of him."

"Now that you say that I do remember his extremely lame jokes" I chuckle at the memory of my dad telling one of his jokes. "I miss dad." I say as my smile begins to slowly fade. I look down and see my mom's hand cover my left hand.

"I do too hon." I look up and see a sad smile on her face. I can't help but smile back. "Are you finished?" She asks as she nods her head toward my plate.

"Yea, I'll handle the dishes."

"I'll do it. Besides, you've got to get ready for school in thee morning."

"Thanks, mom." I get up and kiss her on the cheek before running upstairs. I walk through my open bedroom door and enter the connecting bathroom. I flip on the lights and stare at my reflection. What am I going to do to this mess? I think to myself as I run my fingers through my strawberry blonde hair. Way too messy to leave down. I'm too lazy to straighten it. Guess I'll comb it and do pigtails again! I grab the comb off of the counter, turn off the bathroom lights and walk back into my room. I let myself fall onto my bed and grab my controller off of the bed.

I hit the home button and wait for the system to finish powering up. Hmm. What to watch? I use the controller to select the Netflix app and start browsing for something to watch. Death Note sounds good. I select the show and hit the X button starting it up. While it loads I get up and walk over to my closet and open the thin wooden doors. First day of Junior year means I have to look hot. I start rummaging through the seemingly endless supply of clothes. Short shorts and tank top?  Nah, I want hot not slutty. I continue searching until I find my forest green skirt and one of my many Legend of Zelda graphic tee. God I'm such a nerd... But I love it. I smile at that thought and lay the clothes out on top of the dresser.

I open up the bottom of the dresser and grab a pair of my Mario bros. pajama pants and a plain white tank top. I walk out of the closet and toss the clothes onto the bed. I begin to take off shirt and shorts and toss them into the clothes hamper in the corner of my room. Then I unclasp my bra and toss it into the same bin. I slip into the pajama pants and tank top and grab the PlayStation controller. I restart the first episode of Death Note and lay down on my bed. I reach to my right and grab to alarm clock on my night stand and set it for six hours from now. I can't remember the last time I went to bed by midnight. I grab the charger cord lying next to clock and plug it into my phone. Making sure that my phone is charging, I put it down and focus on the show playing on my TV. I start feeling my eyelids grow despite my urge to find out what Light will do with the notebook.

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