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Saturday, September 28th (Anna)

I wake up with a dry mouth and the sun shining brightly in my eyes. Realizing my mouth was open, I close it and feel the dry spit crack apart on my left cheek. I start to move from my position on the couch but stop once I feel the brunette on my left shuffle. Oh yea. I did spend the night here. I turn my head and look at her face. She's such a peaceful sleeper. I wonder what she's dreaming about. I look down and see a patch of blue on her chest that's darker than the rest of her t-shirt. Oh shit! I drooled on her. Dammit Anna, she's never gonna let you stay again. Maybe I should clean it.

I start moving slower than last time so I don't wake Elsa. In my attempt to get off of the couch I managed to knock the blanket that was draped over the two of us. I successfully get off of the couch and pick the blanket up off of the floor. I turn around to put the blanket back over her but then I see her leaning weirdly on her left arm. So I decide to slowly re-position her arm, and then I see it. 

What.... The.... Hell. I let go of her arm and stare at the scar that goes up from her wrist to almost her entire forearm. Was this an accident? Did she do this? Why would she? She seems so happy.... Maybe it was an accident.... It has to be. Elsa starts to stir in her sleep so I put the blanket back on her lap. I convince myself that it was an accident then grab my tooth brush then head up the stairs. She said second door on the left, right? I start open that door and stop once I see the bed in the middle of the room. Whoops, not it. I slowly start to close the door but curiosity gets the better of me. I open the door a little wider and look inside. 

Thanks to the sunlight I can see everything clearly. I see the dark blue walls, shoes tossed in a closet, a messy bed, an open laptop on the floor next to it, close strewn all over the floor, and a familiar long sleeve blue t-shirt. This must be Elsa's room... Would she be mad if I went in? I'd rather not test it. I turn and start to close the door behind me but again, curiosity wins against my better judgement. I turn back and enter Elsa's bedroom. It's messy but not a gross messy. I can clearly see a system to her madness. Clothes in one corner, shoes in another, school work on the desk. There are posters for bands all over the walls, and a lone Harry Potter poster. I definitely have to talk to her about that. 

I start looking closer at the items on the floor until I reach her pile of dirty clothes. No way, is that her bra?! I bend over and pick up her bra. She's a C cup? I never noticed... Wait, I'm holding her bra. I don't think I could survive the embarrassment if I got caught. I drop her bra and and exit the room, closing the door behind me. I walk across the hall and open the door slowly again until I see the bath tub in the distance. 

I spit out the toothpaste and grab a paper towel to wipe the water around my mouth. As I throw it away I catch a glimpse of the other trash in the trash can. Is that hair dye? I bend over to get a better look at the box and confirm that it's an empty box of black hair dye. Is this Elsa's? I wonder if it's fading yet. I wonder what her natural hair color is, no, I need to know what her hair color is. I open the bathroom door and get downstairs as fast as I can without making too much noise. I make it back quietly and I inch towards the back of Elsa's head. I get as close as I can without shoving my nose to her scalp to see if I can see any variation in her hair color. I walk around the couch and sit back down in my spot on the couch. I grab a couple strands of hair and lift it to see if I can get a better view. That black looks almost gray behind her ear. 

Suddenly Elsa jerks her head towards me and headbutts me in the nose knocking me backwards on the couch.

"Ow! What the he-OH MY GOD! ANNA ARE YOU OKAY" I rub my now painful nose with my left hand and give her a slight wave, assuring my safety. 

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