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Sunday, September 29th (Anna)

My eyes fly open as my bladder groans in pain. I roll over to get out of bed but get stopped by an object in my bed. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and focus on the mass next to me. I see the face of a gorgeous blonde in a peaceful state. I try to stay and watch but I can't ignore the protests of my bladder any longer. I roll away from Elsa, slip out of bed, and walk as fast as humanely possible to my connected bathroom. 

I walk out of the bathroom after washing my hands and notice that Elsa's position on my bed has changed. Now she's lying on her back with her arms spread wide across the mattress. The covers must have shifted as she moved because now her breasts are exposed. I should probably do something about that. 

I walk over to my bed, being as quiet and possible. I grab the ends of my comforter and start to pull them closer to her shoulders. I stop just below her chest as the memories of the previous night flood back into my mind. I feel my body grow hot as I stare at her and slowly let go of the blanket. I move my left hand up and lightly squeeze her right breast, massaging it slowly. I take my right hand and push up on her left breast so that it is slightly raised. Then I lean in close and run my tongue over her nipple. Before drawing my tongue back inside my mouth I circle her nipple, leaving a wet trail along her areola. 

Elsa shifts but I refuse to stop. I wrap my lips around her now wet areola and start to suck lightly. I feel another slight shift in Elsa's body but continue to suck on her breast. I start to feel fingers run through my hair so I look up at Elsa without releasing. Her eyes are closed and her mouth is open. I feel her chest move up and down, increasing the longer I suck. While her nipple is in my mouth I start running tongue over it faster and faster matching her breaths. 

Her chest rises from the bed as she arches her back, pressing her breast further against my lips. I hear her release a long breath of air and relaxes her back. I remove my lips from her mound and lift my head, placing my hands on either side of her. Her fingers are still entangled in my hair as she lightly massages my scalp. 

"Mmm, I wish I could wake up like that everyday."

"I figured that I give you a little payback after last night."

"Oh. Looks like I'm gonna have to do it more often then."

"Trust me, you have an open invitation." Elsa smiles at that comment then pulls me down into a long deep kiss. The kiss last for what feels like hours and we stop only because we run out of breath. I pull back and watch Elsa as my breathing returns to normal. "Are you hungry?" Elsa bites her lower lip.

"I dunno. I had a lot of desert." I feel my face getting hot and pull away from her hands. 

"Suit yourself. I was planning on cooking for you."

"Really? What did you have in mind?" I shrug my shoulders lightly.

"Well, I have been known to make a mean frozen waffle." Elsa tries to stifle her laugh. 

"That... Sounds amazing." 

"Good." I plant my feet on my floor and walk to the pile of discarded clothing from the night before. "I'll be in the kitchen. Feel free to make yourself at home. Bathroom is there, TV remote is on the nightstand, vibrators are in the bottom right drawer, and the PlayStation controller is on the floor." Elsa sits up and her eyes start to remind me of a deer caught in the headlights. Her face gets more red than I've ever seen it. Her eyes leave mine and look towards my dresser. 

"Did you say... Vibrators? I... Had no... Idea you... Did that." I try hard to stifle a laugh and cover my mouth with my hand. Elsa notices the shift in movement and sees the posture I now hold. Her eyes narrow and she grabs one of the pillows behind her and throws it at me. I catch it but I can no longer hold in my laughter. "Go ahead, laugh it up."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2016 ⏰

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