Fitting In

427 14 6

Friday, September 27th (Elsa)

I wake up violently, sweat dripping down my chest and back, heart still racing at a hundred miles an hour. This is the fourth time in a week I've had that dream. Everything was still vividly running through my mind. The masked man, seeing the dead bodies of my family, waking up just as the knife pierces my flesh. I take a few deep breaths and direct my attention to my surroundings. Slowly, but surely, I calm myself down.

I grab my phone and check the time. My phone reads three-thirty so I lay back down and close my eyes, trying to steal one last hour of sleep. Unfortunately, every time I close my eyes I see the hooded figure from my dream so I sit up and decide to surf the web instead.

An hour later my phone starts ringing loudly as the alarm goes off. I shut off the alarm, walk out of my room right across the small hallway into the bathroom. I lock the door behind me and turn on the shower. I wait a couple of, then I test the water temperature on the back of my hand. Once it's warm enough, I slip out of my panties and step inside the shower.

After I finish scrubbing off the dirt and sweat from my body, I step out, grab my towel off of the rack and tightly wrap it around me. I wipe some of the moisture off of the mirror with my left hand. Just enough so I can see my face and shoulders. I take my second towel and wrap my wet hair inside. While testing to see if it's tight enough I glance at the mirror and see the scar on my left arm. The memories start flooding back into my mind. The photos, the laughter, the paint. Every time I see my face, I see it attached to her, the old me. Feeling the anger and the depression well up inside of me, I grab my panties and rush out of the bathroom, away from that damn mirror. I close and lock the bedroom door behind me and lean against it so I can calm myself down for the second time this morning.

Once I manage to calm myself down I use the towel on my body to wipe off the remaining water from my body. I toss the towel onto the floor and go to my closet to pull out, and put on a fresh pair of matching blue striped underwear. I unwrap the towel on my hair and use it to get as much moisture as I can out of my hair. I toss the second towel close to the first then grab a pair of dark blue jeans that fit snugly on my legs, and a thin, long sleeve, light blue v-neck. I pick my phone up off of the bed just as the alarm I set for five-thirty goes off. I shut that one off, toss the phone onto my bed, and walk out of my room towards Addy and Eddy's shared room. I flip the light switch up and immediately hear the groans of tired six year old's waking up.

"C'mon guys. It's that time."

"Five more minutes Elsy. Pleeeaaaassseee." Addy complains as she pulls her comforter over her head.

"Nope. Five minutes turns into five more minutes which turns into five more minutes until it's been an hour and you're rushing to get ready. Now get up. And stop pretending to still be asleep Eddy. It's not working."

"I'm not pretending." Eddy says while turning his face towards the wall.

"Suuure. Wash up and get dressed. I'll get breakfast started."

"What are you gonna make?" Eddy says lifting his head up a little.

"Well, seeing as how it's Friday, I was thinking chocolate chip pancakes." The moment those words left my lips Addy and Eddy jump out of their beds and start arguing over who's going to wash up first. I walk out of the room while quietly laughing to myself. I walk down the stairs and turn on the lights in the kitchen and get the bowls and utensils I am going to need to make breakfast.

As I pour the last of the batter onto the hot pan, Addy and Eddy come running down the stairs. "I want four!!"Addy says as she enters the kitchen.

"I want five!" Eddy says as he follows his twin.

"You can't eat five. You'll explode." Addy says while she stares at Eddy.

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