💞 First Date 💞

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How did your first date go and where did they take you?
Non-Binary Reader 💛🤍💜🖤
(Y/n is 18+)

Sam - He took you to the park to have a relaxing picnic between the two of you. He made all the food and brought all of the supplies even though you said you could bring something too. He wanted it to be perfect to impress you and make you feel like the most amazing and beautiful person in the world. After you ate you went for a walk through the nature paths to get some exercise in. You both had a great time and agreed to have another date soon! 💛

Blame - He took you to a convenience store and agreed to buy you anything you wanted. You ended up buying several snacks and insisted on taking him back to your place to have the rest of the date. He stubbornly said no at first but you ended up convincing him to go home with you. Once you both got home you decided you two would have a movie night date and got the snacks prepared and blankets and movies ready. You ended up watching several horror movies like "The Conjuring", " The Exorcist", and "Annabelle". You got scared a couple of times and every time you did you would grab his arm and hug him he always returned the hug back. You both had a great time and agreed going out again was a amazing idea. ❤️‍🩹

Elmer - He took you to a coffee shop to get a cup of coffee and what ever else you wanted at the time. He payed for it all even though you protested against it he insisted. You both sat down drinking coffee and eating the food laughing and talking to one another. He loved the way you listened to him and made him feel special which was a feeling he never got from any one else since he never had any parents to begin with. You both had a amazing time talking and had a lot in common so you both decided to meet up again soon. 💙

Cathy - She took you to a club and got some drinks with you. You both got pretty drunk and let's just say that night got interesting. There was a lot of kissing and making out with one another. She had gotten a babysitter finally for all of her kids allowing her to even go out with you. The night went by so fast since you both were having so much fun together dancing, singing and also possibly making out with one another. You both woke up the next morning in a hotel room in the same bed all clothes on saying nothing serious happened between you two. All you remembered was a girl who cared for you finally having a amazing time with you. Once she woke up you both decided to see each other again soon. (most likely when she needs help with her kids lol) 💖

Blah Blah/Eddie Oswald - He took you to the the circus for your first date! He had asked you before hand if you would be fine with going there for y'alls first date. You lied to him and said yes clearly knowing you were afraid of circus clowns which was weird since you weren't afraid of Eddie's clown persona. Once you both got there you both took your seats after he bought you some Cotton candy and a drink of your choice. At first it was all going great until they called the clowns out and then it went downhill for you. Eddie was excited while you were scared out of your mind. He noticed you shaking and asked if you were alright. You lied and said yeah but he could tell you were lying to him so he gave you a stare that told you he knew. You finally admitted that you were scared of the clowns out there. He understood and you both walked out of the circus tent and sat on a bench outside and sat down. After that you two spent the rest of the date laughing, talking, and eating snacks you two had bought on the way out.
The date ended up going great after that you two agreed to have another one next weekend. 💘

Bryce - She took you to a fancy [Insert favorite type of food] restaurant. She had asked you what you favorite type of food was (Aka Sushi, Italian, Mexican, etc.) one day at work so she knew exactly where to go. She payed for all of the food with her own money wanting this date to go swimmingly for you both since she really likes you! You both sat down at the table and talked about work, family, friends, and basically about life. You think she is a really interesting person to be around she has a very interesting life story. She thought you were a very interesting person as well she usually gets annoyed by most people but you were a different story to her. She was very interested in your conversation and the way you always answered her questions. It ended up going great for the both of you and you decided a second date would be a great idea. ❤

Bobby - He took you to the mall after he bribed 1,000 bucks from some random people in an alley way. He took you to all of your favorite shops, favorite indoor restaurant, and of course you tortured some passer byers just minding their own business for no reason. All fun and games until you both got kicked out for making a scene which wasn't out of the ordinary. After that since he still had some money left over he took you to an ice cream parlor and got you your favorite ice cream flavor. All went well and you decided to go out again soon. 💚

Arlo - He took you to the movie theater! To see [insert favorite movie that recently came out] which you had been dying to see for months in advance. He had heard you talking about the movie to Sacha during lunch at the studio one day. He ordered you any snacks you wanted before the movie started a you both watched the movie while holding hands and enjoying each other's company. ❤️‍🔥

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