Y/N's Sick!?

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How do the Brandon Rogers characters react to you being sick? And what do they do for you?
Non-Binary Y/N! 💛🤍💜🖤
(also in this au it's before "Normal British Series" by the way so Bryce doesn't have her own heart yet but she does in most of my other stories coming out soon)

Sam - He is very caring and will help you with pretty much everything! If you need tissues, medicine, or even massages if your feeling tense he will do it. He draws the line to kissing you though since he is a huge Germaphobe - (Head canon). He wears a mask when around you but he will hug you and give you cuddles but the mask must stay on at all times. You two have 2 cats which he let's in the room since you two have moved in together. (Pretend for this story he moved out of Donna's place and moved in with you!) There names are Oreo and Chip due to the fact that Oreo is a black and white Patterned cat while Chip has a light and dark brown pattern on its skin they are both males. He will bring you soup and drinks any time you ask for them and sets up movies and snacks in bed for you and lots of extra pillows for maximum comfort! - 💛

Blame - He does not care if he gets sick along with you! One of the most important things to him is being near you and he see's sickness as a problem for you two to be close still. He has never had a fear of getting sick in the first place so he is not a Germaphobe unlike Sam is. He will give you all the cuddles, kisses, and all the hugs your heart desires. You have told him several times that he could get sick from you but he always says he doesn't care all he wants is to be near you! - ❤️‍🩹

Elmer - Most time he has no idea how to take care of you because he has no prior knowledge of healthcare due to him having no recollection of his upbringing due to lose of memory - (Head canon). He tries his best to help whenever you ask for something he is happy and willing to go get it for you. Weither it be medicine, food, or drinks he is happy to bring it to you! He is not a Germaphobe at all he carries on a day where your sick as a normal everyday. He doesn't have the biggest memory since all the experiments that Bryce did on him messed with his head some - (Head canon). You never minded it though you love him either way! - 💙

Cathy - She is a pro at helping you when your sick seeing she has over 10 kids even though you've only seen three of them you've hear things about the others you won't repeat. She knows exactly how to help you feel better she'll talk to you, watch movies with you, and she will even kiss you when your sick kinda like Blame will. She is not a Germaphobe to any sickness basically she has been sick before and it never scared her what so ever at least that's what she told you. Her 3 kids will come into the room you are in and play and talk with you for hours on end making you forget about your sickness all together. She is one of the best people you can be around when sick and even more caring than most people think she is. 💖

Blah Blah/Eddie Oswald (This part takes place in the mental institution) - Whenever you get sick he feels really bad for you. He hsa Nosophobia (The fear or anxiety of  getting sick or your physical health depleting -Headcanon) and so he stays a good distance away from you whenever he sees you. It doesn't help that when you get sick in a Asylum they take you to a contamination room and you have to stay alone until your not sick anymore. He may sometimes not see you for a week or so and it really worries him because when he asks the nurses if your okay they don't answer him and just load him with more drugs. Whenever he does see you though if you start to feel sick he sings and tries to make you laugh using his clown like persona Blah Blah. He truly cares for you even when your Ill and he will try to help you at anytime. 💘

Bryce - She is not afraid to kiss and hug you let me tell you that for sure. She has never been a Germaphobe due to the fact she has literally pulled the Elmer's hearts out and used them for her own. She will do anything for you while you are sick such as give you a massage, hug you, and kiss you. She absolutely loves to run her fingers through your hair while you are both lying down in bed comfortable and warm. She will hum to you until you fall asleep she will cuddle you as well. She may seem like someone who wouldn't be that caring for basically anything or anyone but she is a mess with you. ❤

Bobby - He will take care of you but he is a bit of a Germaphobe (-another head canon). So he will wear a mask and he won't kiss you like Bryce, Blame, or Eddie will. Luckily though he does give you hugs and cuddles exactly like Sam would! When ever you get a coughing fit he will reasure you that you will be alright and comfort you. If you throw up due to sickness he cleans it up for you and if puke in the toilet he will rub your back and talk to you to get your mind of the pain your in. He makes you food and drinks if you need them and you hear no complaints from him whatsoever. He has a soft spot for when you are sick and he'll help you without hesitation! 💚

Arlo - He is a little hessatint to be near you when sick in fear of getting sick himself. Seeing that he has to play a character on TV getting sick is a real bad thing for him. But the good thing about it is he rarely ever gets sick it's like his body rejects all sickness he is exposed too from you. During the time you are sick he won't kiss you but he will hug and cuddle you he has no problem with that at all. He will get you anything you need like food, drinks, and medicine if you need them no problem. He cares a lot about you even with you being sick and all! He also will call you every once a while at work to see if you are ok if you say no he will ask to take 5 and he will come home to get whatever you need. You both live in the same house and its right near the studio Arlo works at! ❤️‍🔥

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