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The train is packed, people are sitting and standing with their big bags of luggage and their many layers of clothing due to the cold weather. In the crowd, a man is sitting up against the window, he bought a cup of coffee earlier but now it is stone cold and tastes awful. The man is wearing headphones because the family he is sitting with making so much noise that he is about to get a headache, he figured that the man sitting next to him is the children's uncle who looks unbothered, maybe he is used to it and therefore does nothing about it. It is not like people around the little family are looking at the children with death glares. The irony. People are indeed looking at the uncle and the children with death glares.

But the man is tired and is fortunate enough to have his headphones, if he had forgotten them at home, he could have committed a crime a long time ago. Sitting up against the window the man tries not to fall asleep, he is tired and just a few hours ago he landed in his home country. The country he grew up in for the most part, but when he was 12 his parents moved him to South Korea, and he has since been living there. Sometimes they visit the country he was born in, just to see his mother's part of the family for the holidays. But today, he is alone, he turned 34 a few days ago and decided that he wanted to go back to spend his Christmas with his grandparents on his mother's side of the family. His mother's siblings are spending Christmas alone this year because their children are taking exams and have no time for travelling. 

He misses his grandparents, he sometimes calls them just to hear the language and their voices. He misses his grandfather's endless trips to the forest when it snowed on Christmas, his grandfather would bring the sporting gun and teach the man how to shot. His grandmother would have Danish pancake puffs ready for when they get home. It is one of the man's favourite things to eat when visiting his home country. He hopes that they have the energy to teach him, how to make them. He remembers his grandfather's endless hours of watching Danish Christmas carols in front of the TV. 

"It was mine first!" The children in front of him start to yell so much that the man gets pulled out of his daydreaming. He pulls his headphones off and turns to the uncle "Can I get out?" The uncle moves and the man pulls his stuff with him, he puts on his jacket and lifts his suitcase down from the top storage that is meant for bags. He moves out of the carriage he was sitting in and out to the space for people who are about to get off the train. After a while, the train announces that in two minutes the train will stop in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen. He stands to the side so that people can get to the toilet. He pulls on his headphones and tries to block out the noise of people talking, and the children back in the carriage he just came from that are still screaming. 

The train stops, and the moment he steps out of the train he looks around to find the staircase to get to the main area of the train station. He looks around and sees the beautiful Christmas decorations everywhere, he smiles at the sight. It brings him back to when he was a child, back when Christmas what his favourite thing in the world. Now he has become something that he enjoys but is not obsessed with. He does not listen to music as much as when he was 20 and younger. "M/N!" He hears a low voice yell, he turns around and sees his grandparents with the biggest smile on their faces. He grins and walks over to them and brings them into a tight hug. It has been a while since he last saw them in person, they have gotten older the wrinkles and it reminds him that one day they will not be here with him. They still look healthy and happy, their walking position has gotten a bit more crooked, and granddad still has his cane by his side even if it is just to support his knee that he hurt when he was a young soldier and met my grandmom.

"Ohh it is wonderful to see you again, you are so tall and handsome," His granddad says and ruffles his hair into a mess "Ah granddad, I will never be more handsome than you are" His grandmom laughs and takes his suitcase "M/N now you are just buttering your granddad up" His grandad laughs and takes his wife's hand "I am still handsome my dear, let us go to the car follow us" His grandparents walk in front of him, he notices that even after 50+ years they are still married, happy and alive. They have had their ups and downs but tried not to include M/N in them. When M/N was born, his granddad was an alcoholic, he was a mess. His mother used to tell stories about how they all were afraid to come close to him because alcohol made him angry. His granddad did not want to come close to M/N, he was afraid to hurt him. M/N cried when his granddad did not want to be near him, it broke his heart to see his grandchild cry because of him. He changed for the better, and since has been sober, he got help and became this wonderful person to be around. When M/N's father got depression, his granddad told him to never turn to alcohol, it was an easy trap to walk into, but hard to get out of. He did everything he could to help his father not to drink or smoke anything, instead, he spend time with M/N's father and helped him with what he could. 

M/N promises himself that if he ever gets children, he never wants to turn to alcohol because it would erase the problem and pain for a moment. He only drinks when he is with friends, he drinks with good intentions and takes the consequences that come with it. 

He wishes to have the kind of relationship his grandparents have now with someone, maybe one day he will find that someone. 

Someone that will be his guiding star. 

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