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The Danish pancake puffs are served with icing sugar and marmalade on the side, and a hot cup of chocolate is placed in front of M/N "Now, tell us - how are you?" His grandma asks him as she wipes her hands on a white dishcloth with small blue lines forming squares. "I am doing okay, I am working almost 365 days a year" The granddad shakes his head and takes a sip from the cup "You need to take a break, do you not have a boyfriend/girlfriend"  M/N shakes his head, he remembers the word for a partner in Danish is not the same as in Korean nor English. It is more gender-natural and it makes M/N feel more comfortable and not close-minded about who he finds fancy "No, I have been building my career, I do not have time for a partner" His grandma cups his right hand and gives it a soft and friendly slap "And that is okay, it is okay not to married at your age, you should take things in your tempo not everyone meets their person when they are a teenager" He is glad that at least they understand. Everyone around them is either in a relationship or married maybe with children, but M/N is still single and has been that for a few years, he tried to date a girl for a while that liked him, but he was unhappy. It felt wrong, so he broke it off when she wanted him to propose after being together for 2 years. Turned out he only saw her as a friend, and that kissing her felt wrong but he never wanted to admit to himself or anyone that he was not in love.

"Topic change, how do you feel about going to the Christmas market in a few days? It has been a while since you last were there" M/N's eyes light up at the mention, he loves the Christmas markets in Denmark, sure every country has some sort of market during the Christmas month. But this market is where he gets to become a child again. He would force his father to eat all sorts of Danish candy with him since his father is not familiar with Danish cakes and candy. Sure his father tried when he first dated M/N's mother but he was so used to Korean cakes and candies.

"I take that as a yes" His granddad laughs at M/N's face "Yes, I want to go so bad" His grandparents smile "So it is set. Now, I want to get some rest before we make dinner" His granddad says and stands up from the table. He kisses his wife and thanks her for the Danish pancake puffs and puts the dishes away. His grandma turns to M/N and says: "How about you and I go to town? I need to pick up some things. I also want to show you how the town looks during December" M/N nods and helps his grandma clean the kitchen. They tell grandpa that they are leaving and that the front door will be locked when they leave.

Driving towards the town reminds M/N of the times when his mother would put him into a special seat for children and bicycle to the town, he remembers being really young during one winter, it snowed and even tho it was hard to bicycle, his mother continued, they had a blast. "You know, we are really happy about you coming all the way from South Korea to spend Christmas with us," She says as they walk into the supermarket "Always, I missed you guys" "We missed you too" Walking by the shelves of food, he notices that everything is just like he remembers. His favourite candy is still there, his favourite soda is still there and overall, it brings him back to when he lived here. His grandma sends him away to find some cauliflower and potatoes. 

The big bag of potatoes is now in his hands and as he looks for cauliflower he feels someone tapping his shoulder, he turns around and sees someone familiar. It is his grandparents' old neighbour's kid, or not a kid anymore, but back then he used to hang out with the kid for hours upon hours. They had so much fun in the forest nearby their house, the number of times they have role-played being orcs and knights "Oh my... Is it really you M/N?" M/N nods and brings the friend into a tight hug "It has been so long" They let go of each other and M/N sees that his old friend has gotten older, taller and has grown a bit of a beard "Yeah..." They start to talk about the old days, where they are in life now and such, and suddenly a shorter man walks up to them and puts something in the basket "I got the liquorice- Oh hello" His friend looks a bit nervous when the shorter man stands beside him, M/N pulls his hand out to shake "Hello, I am M/N - I used to play with Kristian as a kid" "Ahh, it is pleasure to meet you. I am Kristian's husband, my name is Julius" Husband? M/N thinks to himself, that means that Kristian is gay or maybe bi "Yeah..." Kristian says, a bit unsure if M/N is okay with the LGTBQ community "No need to sweat Kristian, I am not against it" M/N grins and gives Kristian's shoulder a light slap, the sight of Kristian relaxing makes both Julius and M/N laugh "I was unsure sorry, it has been so long that I forgot what you thought about the same gender being together" The convocation continues until M/N's grandma walks up to M/N "Ah there you are. I thought you left" M/N shakes his head "No I just ran in Kristian, the kid I used to play with in the forest" The mention of Kristian makes his grandma laugh "Ah hello" She shakes both Kristian's and Julius's hands. They soon say goodbye to each other and leave the supermarket. 

On the way back, his grandma suddenly says: "M/N, just want to tell you. That your granddad and I do not care about who falls in love with, woman or man or whatever in between. We love you either way" Oh it makes M/N's heartbeat, to know that if he finds a man they will still love him either way. "Just not a child or an animal, that is illegal and gross" They both laugh. Even if they laugh, M/N still understand the point behind her words. God he loves his grandparents. 

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