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M/N wakes up around 10 AM, and eats late breakfast and lunch with his grandparents, he spends most of the day in the living room, his granddad has lightened the fireplace, and the TV is on playing an old Christmas carol. "Which one is it this year?" M/N asks as he is trying to learn how to crochet from his grandma, his granddad looks at him and says: "It is 'Juletestamentet' or 'The Christmas testament' from 1995 - it might be my favourite of all time" His grandma laughs her cracked laugh makes M/N smile "That is true, M/N you were 7 at the time you properly watched 'Alletiders Nisse' or 'Great Elf' it was something that you and mother did all the time during December" He does not remember sitting with his mother in front of the TV, maybe it is because he was 7 at the time. Or perhaps it is because his relationship with his mother faded a bit after she miscarried after being 7 months pregnant when he was 9. It took a hard turn on her, and it made her a bit numb for a few years before his father forced her to talk to a therapist, it took a good while after that before she came to M/N and not directly said sorry, but she tried the best she could to say it. He does not forgive her for leaving him alone when his father was too busy picking him up at school when he moved to South Korea. It was hard for M/N to look at his mother and not cry, he felt alone, and for a while, his father knew nothing about it. But the day he came home early and found out that M/N's mother had not picked him up, but instead just sat in front of the TV knitting, he yelled at her and told her that she needed help. He remembers walking home and on the way, his father stopped the car on the side and pulled him into his arms, remembers him being so apologetic about it. 

Hours go by, and M/N offers to make some quick food for them before they leave for the Christmas market. M/N offers to drive seeing that his grandparents are a bit tired, they are not used to driving so much. They buy lots of food at the begging of the week that will last them 2 weeks so that they can stay home. They know that they are old. M/N parks somewhere close to the market and together they all walk around, M/N can almost see his younger self eating too much pastry with his father, it almost looks like a movie, with the main character getting flashbacks about childhood. While walking around his phone suddenly rings, it is his co-worker, this is supposed to be his only holiday since he started working at the company, he never took time off unless he was forced. He signs and picks up the phone "Hello madam" He notices that a few people look up as he starts to speak Korean "Hello M/N, where are you?" The co-worker says with an annoyed voice "What do you mean? I am on holiday?" His grandma looks at him with a confused face, they do not really understand Korean but they understand a bit since his father is Korean "You are supposed to be here" Now M/N is really confused, he got permission from the CEO to take a leave until December 26th where he will fly back to South Korea "Uh no madam, I have a holiday-" "No, we need you here. You need to be here in 1 hour or else you are fired" Fired??? "Madam, I am on the other side of the world. It is nighttime, I am out of the house-" "You are supposed to be here" M/N lets the co-worker speak as she wants to, he knows that she will never stop before she gets what she wants, she is that kind of person, never wrong always right. "If you wish to fire me, talk to the CEO first, madam gave me permission to leave-" "Liar, I already talked to the CEO" "If you already talked to the CEO then you would know where I am and why I am here. If you have nothing more to say then I will call madam myself and tell that you are harassing me on my first every holiday since I started working here. I have been working at this company for years, even before you" M/N is getting annoyed at her, he apologizes to his grandparents before he turns his attention back to the co-worker "You disrespectful brat!-" He signs and hangs up on her, he turns around to his grandparents who just bought cups of coffee for the three of them "I need to call someone real quick" They nod and just stand by as M/N calls the CEO.

"Hello?" A light yet tired voice goes through the phone "I am so sorry madam, was I disturbing you?"  He hears a groan "No it is okay, just took a break. What can I help you with? Are you not on holiday?" "I thought I was, but my co-worker just called me and sort of harassed me because I was not at work. I informed her that you personally gave me permission to leave for most of December, she does not believe me and has informed me that you told her that I never got permission-" Another groan goes through the phone "I seriously need to fire her, I have been getting complains about her from other people. Go back to your grandparents, go enjoy the well-earned holiday, I will fix this. I will email you what has happened" M/N thanks her and hangs up after wishing her a good day. 

"When I finally leave for holiday, people always need to harass me about me not showing up at work. I am do tired of it" 

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