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Julie watched the reflection in the mirror. Big, plump red lips. Seductive dark eyes. Locks of brown hair. The most beautiful girl in the world stood before the mirror, in a blue satin dress, fixing her rouge. Too bad it was not her- but Beth. The perfect, wonderful, gorgeous Beth.
Julie watched her own reflection, behind her cousin. They could not have been more different. Julie had blonde hair that refused to stay curled, so it was almost always too straight for it to be fashionable. Her eyes were a strange mix of grey and blue, so they seemed green to most people. She had thin lips that almost disappeared when she smiled, and a slightly crooked nose covered in tiny freckles. But none of that bothered her too much. Aside from her figure. The way her breasts seethed over the corset. The way her thighs looked, suffocating in stockings. The attention it drew towards her. The looks. Julie always thought her looks did not match who she was, inside. She felt like a giant among other girls, always the tallest, always the burly one. But usually she was the quietest in the room.
The ball at the Lady Trowbridge was.. extravagant, to say the least. Julie felt completely out of place, but surprisingly amused. She had danced four dances, all with different gentlemen, she managed to avoid being the target of Beth's frustration (Beth was almost always frustrated, if not because her dress was too similar to somebody else's, then by the tightness of her heels, or any other equally "important" reason) and she even managed to sneak away to the library, where she found the latest copy of travelogue about France. Julie enjoyed reading about travels. She often daydreamt about visiting all the places she had read about. She had only been to Scotland, once, but it was enough to know that she loved traveling. She loved meeting new places. Being in nature, seeing all different plants and animals, learning about other cultures.. She often felt jealousy towards her brothers. They had all the freedom in the world, and they never used it for anything greater than going to inns and getting drunk! Julie knew if she was a man she would travel, and she would travel so often and so far, they would barely ever see her at home. "And here, perhaps a little bit more secluded-"
The door opened and Julie cursed under her breath. Another couple sneaking in, looking for privacy to.. court one another. She hoped they would, like the previous couple, just rush out, once they saw somebody was already there, hoping to stay anonymous. But they did not. Only then did she realize there were three girls and a single man. Julie put down the book, jumping from the chair. She thought she recognized the gentleman, and she did. Colin Bridgerton. One and only, Lord Conceited, as Julie liked to call him. She had met him, last season. And maybe she would not have even remembered it, if it was not for his comment, as he approached the group of young ladies she was in. 'Colin Bridgerton, but I am certain you ladies already know that.' And that smug smirk, as if he was the most desirable person on the entire Earth! Julie decided he was obnoxious right then and there. The fact all other ladies giggled and blushed was just the icing on top. They met on a couple more occasions, as he was invited to every possible ball, even the one her family hosted. Her opinion of him did not improve, not even slightly.
"As I was saying.." Colin cleared his throat, pointing to the door. "I hope the ladies and I do not disturb you? I was thinking of showing them that very book.. That is, if you are done reading.." He cocked an eyebrow, expecting her to introduce herself. Julie knew he expected her to giggle and melt at his every glance. It was what he was used to. "Am I a disturbance?"
"No, of course not. You may join us, I was thinking of reading a chapter to ladies, the Paris chronicle."
Julie noticed how icy blue his eyes were. As much as she did not like him, he was undeniably handsome. If one cared about such things, of course. "Well, thank you very much for the offer. But I can read myself. Lord Bridgerton." She handed him the book, before nodding towards the three girls, and walking out.
Colin felt unexplainably awkward. No one had ever given him such a cold shoulder. Especially not a lady. And although his company did not mind her insulting remark, and still seemed eager to keep him company, it all made him feel silly. She was right. It seemed like he was patronizing them, showing them something so trivial. But the ladies loved it. Usually, most of them.
"Where have you been? I've been bored to death!" Beth whined, as she handed Julie a drink. Julie simply nodded, taking a sip. She did not feel like explaining. She knew Beth would go crazy if she found out Julie said no to such a desirable bachelor. But she had not met Colin. It was her first season in London. Julie's parents agreed to being her hosts for the entire season. She had just turned eighteen. Julie was almost certain Beth would end this season engaged.
"Julie.. Julie, someone is coming here." Beth gritted, fixing her dress. Julie nodded, as she nibbled on a pastry she had picked up at the buffet. "Stop. Eating." Beth sighed, faking a polite nod. Julie ignored her, enjoying the sweet treat. Food was one of the main reasons she went to the balls. A tap on her shoulder made her turn around. "Excuse me, if I was being rude back in the library."
Julie nodded, unfazed. "I did not catch your name.." He added, grabbing a pastry from the table. Julie shrugged, before she shook crumbs off her dress. She really did not feel like chit chatting with anyone. "That is Julie. And I am Beth." Beth chirped in, stretching her hand out. Colin kissed it, before swallowing the pastry in one bite. Julie found it humiliating how eager Beth was for male attention. "Nice to meet you, Beth. I hope your card has place for a dance with me."
And surely, there he was, again, spilling his magical charm. Beth nodded, offering the paper that hung from her wrist. Colin swiftly signed it, before turning to Julie. She had taken another pastry, and was nibbling on the icing. Colin noticed she was not wearing a paper around her wrist. "Julie never saves dances. She spent all four two hours ago!" Beth explained, noticing his intention was to probably ask her cousin for a dance too. She did not mind it. If anyone was not a threat, it was Julie. Aside from her terrible manners, she really was not a beauty, in any way. "I am sure she could do me the honor, despite that." Colin insisted, his gaze intensely focusing on the blonde girl. Julie nodded, taking his offered hand. The only reason she said yes was to get them both off her back.
"You do not really chit chat, do you?" A smug little smile spread on his lips, as he guided her in a waltz. Julie was focused on counting her step. "I really do not see a point in that."
"To meet someone?"
Julie appreciated he kept his grip steady, but gentlemanly high. "And forget I already have met them, like you?"
Colin smirked, shaking his head. "It happens. When you meet a lot of people."
"That's exactly why I do not." She sighed, and as she raised her gaze she noticed they were almost the same height. "I am terribly sorry that I forgot we met."
Julie could see why ladies liked him. As vain and unoriginal his tricks were, somehow, he appeared charming. Probably due to his eyes. And the way his little smirk pulled the corners of his lips. "But I had not met Lady Vaughn?"
"This is Beth's first season in London. She is a cousin of mine, from my mother's side." Julie shook her head, glad the dance was coming to an end. He escorted her back to the side of the dance floor, offering Beth a hand. Julie watched as they danced, a quick quadrille, and they were perfectly in sync. Beth was a talented dancer. She could tell her cousin was smitten, just from the way she was gazing at Lord Bridgerton telling a joke, and the way she giggled, before quickly covering her mouth, making sure she does not appear unladylike.

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