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"Welcome home, mon couer." She whispered, afraid she might knock him off his feet, with the force she was hugging him. "Ju.. Julie." He kissed her hair, his voice breaking, as his arms tightly gripped her limp body. The snow fell onto them, Julie's socks had begun to get wet, Colin barely felt his frozen fingertips, time passed and they remained that way until finally Julie guided him inside, into the comfort of their warm kitchen. Under the dim lights of candles she finally saw just the amount of how much he changed. He had lost a lot of weight, from what she could tell through his clothes. His cheeks had sunken in, he had a beard, his hair had surpassed his earlobes, and he was in desperate need of a bath. "I know I look despera-"
Julie pressed her finger to his lips, before she kissed him, she kissed him the way it left no doubt in his mind Julie did not care about the way he looked. "You need to change into dry clothes. And bathe. And sleep, with me." She ordered, dragging him up the stairs. She noticed he had a hard time catching up to her, and she helped him. He sat onto their bed, waiting as Julie brought hot water in buckets and prepared him a bath. Julie noticed he had fallen asleep on her pillow, just as she finished preparing hot water. She had no heart to wake him up, so she simply climbed next to him, throwing her arm around him.
They woke up half an hour later, and without a word, Julie helped him undress. She noticed scars, bones that stretched his dry skin and fresh cuts that colored his pale skin with red. But none of it mattered. She let all his clothes on the floor, helping him get inside the tub. She used a small pitcher to wet his hair, and shampooed it gently, while he relaxed. She helped him out and dried his body with a big towel, before wrapping him in the robe. "Wait, I have to show you something." She took his hand, gently guiding him to bed.
Colin watched as Julie carried a small platter. "Our first strawberries." She explained, opening the jar, before dipping bread in. Colin smiled, eating out of her hands. They took turns feeding each other, without a word, until there was barely anything left of the red sweet. They fell asleep uncovered, in each other's arms. They slept for what seemed like an eternity. Finally at peace, together. Colin woke up before Julie, and he watched her sleep, watching as she held on tightly to his body, like he was an island of hope in the middle of nothingness, like her life depending on holding onto him. He knew his did. All these months he had spent, firstly in war, then in the prison, escaping, doing the unimaginable things to survive, all that made him survive was pure, primeval need to see Julie again. They have not been together enough. They needed to finish their story. They needed to live their love.
He felt something hard under his pillow, so he took out the small wooden toy. Rattle box. The one she bought in Dover. The one he saw her hide every night. She still held onto it. He was unsure if she wanted to gift it to one of his nephews, so he did not comment on it. He wondered if she reconsidered that whole thing. No matter what, Colin knew he needed nothing more than her. Nothing beside her.
Julie woke up, confused for a second when she found herself against another body. He was missing for so long, she had almost gotten used to sleeping alone. She knew he was awake, by his breathing. She gently touched his cheek, and he opened his eyes. "I think I have a promise to fulfill." She whispered, running her thumb over the barely visible white scar on his chin. She kissed the skin, feeling his soft beard. She showered his face with kisses, so much so until he let out something that reminded of laugh. He hadn't laughed in so long he forgot what it sounded like. "You are so beautiful." She whispered, tracing out along a cut on his chest. It was not deep but it was fresh. She reached over to her night table and took the balm, gently applying it to his wounds. She knew the scars she saw were nothing compared to those he hid inside. He was in war. And Julie made a promise to herself she would not ask anything until he spoke about it himself. He needed love and understanding.
Julie sent the lackey to inform the Bridgertons about Colin's return and invite them to come as soon as they could to see him.
They all gathered in less than two hours. Colin was obviously tired and overwhelmed, and it was the first time Julie ever noticed him feel so about being in the center of attention. She knew there was a lot of he did not speak of. A lot that made it hard for him to fall asleep. His eyes were framed by tiny wrinkles, wrinkles he did not have before. And while he still had that rare spark in his eye, Julie could tell he was not the same man that left her all those months ago. He aged. Not just physically. His soul aged. Julie did not wish to know what kind of trauma caused that.
"Uncle Col." Henry climbed up Colin's lap, despite his mother's warning not to bother. "I am so happy you are here."
Everyone laughed, and Henry frowned, raising a finger. "It is unpolite to listen to private con-serva-tions!"
Julie recognized so much of Anthony in his son. Even their coats matched. Henry will make an excellent Viscount one day. "Everyone, please, listen to your future Viscount." Anthony feigned sternness, and Henry boomed with pride at his father's words. "Can I stay here with you and aunt Julie today?"
"Henry." His mother gave him a warning look, assuring Julie it was not her idea he said that. Julie knew it. Henry had grown to love her, and spending time here while Colin was away. "It is alright." Julie assured, and Henry triumpfatically jumped, hugging his uncle. "And we can feed Gilda tomorrow, right, aunt Juls?"
Julie nodded, smiling. 
Henry fell asleep as soon as his curls found the pillow. Julie could melt at the scene, as the little boy cuddled to her forearm, snoring softly. "You tired him down." She whispered, as Colin gently stroked his dark hair. They played for good two hours after everyone left, throwing themselves around the salon, running around the table, trying to catch Julie as she rushed not to get tickled. "You are good with children."
"You are doing great too. Henry really loves you." Colin nodded. Soon they both fell asleep, and Julie woke up a few hours later, hearing a soft cry. She saw Colin was craddleing Henry in his arms, comforting him. "It was just a bad dream. It is okay."
"I.. Uncle Col, I.."
"It is alright. It happens, nobody has to know." He gently assured him, and Julie realized there was a wet spot on the bed. Poor little guy must of had had an accident and woke up. "But I am a big boy now and.."
"Big boys can have accidents too."
"Will aunt Juls think I am a baby now?"
"I am sure she will not even notice. How about you get your clothes changed, ha?"
Julie watched as Colin pulled out one of his night shirts, undressing Henry before he wrapped him in the big white cotton shirt. He was born to do this. It came so natural to him, so easy. She heard Henry laugh, and she closed her eyes, pretending to sleep. She heard the sheets rustle, as Colin pulled one down, before putting new one. He laid Henry back down, and in minutes they were both back asleep.
There were loud knocks on the door, and Julie barely wrapped herself in a robe, before Charlotte rushed in. "M' lady! M' lord! There is a man from the Palace here!" 
Julie rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, stretching her arms above her head, as she walked over. "A man from.."
"He needs Lord Bridgerton." 
Colin gently unrolled Henry from his arm, before they rushed down. "Lord Bridgerton. You are expected this Sunday at ten to join His Majesty and take the honorary Gold Cross you deserved due to your courageous service to The Empire."
Colin shook his head, unable to process what was happening. Julie thanked the lackey, and he departed. 

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