Chapter Three: Nemain

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Erika looked around warily as she looked for Derby in the woods. The dark bay mare was her favorite back when she was still a lesson rider at Moorland Stables. But Derby had freaked out when they were chased by a pack of wolves outside of Firgrove Mountains and led the wolf pack away from Firgrove Village. The spooked mare had accidentally tossed Erika off in Hollow Woods as the dark bay mare headed towards Moorland Stables. Thanks to that incident, Erika was stuck wandering in the woods by herself and was heading towards Silversong River.
She quietly pushed through the bushes and looked around warily. In front of her was a grassy field and a small waterfall that was making a river. She could also see a few woodland critters scampering through the clearing. Many critters were bathing in a river, some were just sunbathing in the field. Some foxes were chasing each other and playing wrestle. Some mothers were feeding their babies with twigs carrying a large number of berries. It was calm and peaceful around her in the gentle forest clearing.
Erika lowered herself down to the river with a first aid kit from her satchel and started cleaning out the two scars on her left forearm before wrapping it with a fresh, white bandage. A wolf had managed to land an unlucky bite on Erika's left forearm during the unexpected wolf attack.
But everything had fell unusually silent as she suddenly heard some hoof-steps coming from the shadows of the right side of the forest and it made Erika became tensed with silent wary curiosity. That's when she saw the most beautiful mare she had ever seen and watched as the mare started drinking from the river. Erika slowly relaxed at the sight of the mare and eyed the mare curiously, making sure the horse won't do anything wild.
"Wow," whispered Erika as she looked at the beautiful mare.
The mare flicked an ear and looked towards Erika curiously before she slowly raising her head towards her, much to the teenage girl's surprise. Erika fought off the urge to step back from the mare, the mare's gaze seemed to be gleaming with curiosity rather than anger.
Erika met the mare's eyes much more calmly. Her eyes were mild. Amber like the fiery dawn. The mare seemed to be studying her, as though she could see straight through her. Erika's wariness evaporated when their eyes met. She felt herself become more calmer and curious as they both headed towards each other from the shallow parts of the river. A beam of sunlight shone down onto the girl and the mare, revealing the horse to her.
The mare is stunning to Erika, nothing like she'd imagined. The lines of her graceful body curved with a combat, powerful precision. Her delicate muzzle widened into a broad, proud nose, and her large amber eyes are shining like spirited fire. Her coat is well-groomed and is the color of a starless night sky. Her thick, wavy black mane and tail is the same shade as the midnight sky. But what stands out was that the mare has a white star that's hidden underneath her black forelock and four white socks on her ankles. In a sense, the mare looks like a wild North Swedish horse and a Shire horse.
All of Erika could feel was warmth and affection for the horse as she put her head close to her and snorted. Erika let out a soft chuckle and thought to herself that the mare was behaving like a lovable puppy, despite being a horse.
An electric warmth rushed through her. It was like a buzzing electric current, but painless.
Trembling slightly with amazement, she continued to pet the mare's warm muzzle. The mare stepped closer and blew air into her face. She smelled of the forests, campfires, and something else she couldn't quite put her finger on.
But it was not infatuation. But it was certainly something. All she knew was that she wanted to be brave enough to ride the mare and go on adventures that she had in the past. It was as if she was the only ones who could both see and feel what freedom feels like.
Erika raised her right hand in front of her, she closed her eyes and looked away as she felt uncertain of how to befriend one of the most wildest mares that ever lived. She felt her breath caught in her throat as the mare leaned into Erika's palm, making the girl looked at the black mare in surprise. Erika lowered her head and encouraged the mare to lower her head too. The human and horse both slowly touched each other's foreheads and closed their eyes. They both felt the warmth of their breaths and calming scents of the forest that surrounded them. They both opened their eyes and met each other's gazes with new understanding, Erika somehow knew that they were confirmed as complete equals.
The two of them both met each other's eyes. Emotions rolled around inside Erika like a whirlwind. She don't know whether to feel joyful or awed or wonder or uncertainty. Behind those amber eyes seemed to hide more intelligence than seemed possible for any horse and Erika's eyes seemed to have the reflection of Erika's soul. Erika was surprised to see that the mare seemed to be smiling at her with warm eyes. The mare nickered softly and nodded to Erika, she lowered her head and began to nuzzle her face. Erika smiled and hugged the mare as her heart became full.
But the peace and quiet was ruined by the howling of wolves, in which startled Erika and the animals. All of the woodland critters had went into hiding in the depths of the woods. But the only animal that stayed behind with Erika was the black mare. The mare neighed, sounding high-pitched and anxious. The mare clearly wants Erika's attention. She gently nudged Erika's shoulder and stamped her hooves anxiously.
The mare gently nudged her right shoulder and warm breath drifted across her face. Erika met the mare's brave and determined eyes. Was she trying to tell her something? It was crazy. But just maybe...
"You want to help me?" Erika asked the mare.
The only word Erika could find that she was feeling was instinct. For there was nothing rational in believing that a wild horse would offer to help an eighteen year old girl. The mare raised her left hoof and helped Erika to slide onto the mare's back. Erika couldn't believe that she was about to ride a wild mare bareback for the first time. She tangled one of her hands into the mare's thick mane and struggled to calm her rapidly beating heart with deep breaths.
The howl of the wolves could be heard.
The mare took off.
"Ahhhh!" She cried out as the mare had quickly picked up speed. Erika began to slip to the right, so she clamped her legs. Then, she began to slip to the left, so clamped harder. She was bouncing around so much, the girl's hair flowed behind her.
The pace didn't slow, and it felt as if every muscle in her body was beginning pounded and jostled. The trees and bushes flew past them. The ground disappeared briefly as the mare had jumped over a log. She tightened her grip when she felt herself sliding forward.
Erika remembered seeing riders finding balance on their horses during the past horse shows that she had seen in the past. She realized that the horse's galloping wasn't jarring, it was graceful. The problem was that she was fighting against the movement, fighting against the rhythm. She slowly started to relax on the mare's back. She slowly sat up, but she kept her hands entwined in the mare's mane. Then, she instinctively allowed her sore legs to relax, making them long and pressing her heels down that felt better.
"Keep going!" Erika cried out when she suddenly saw the pack of wolves had started running through the woods and started chasing them with snarling jaws and angry eyes.
She rode out of the woods (the wolves had stopped chasing them) and into the afternoon until she saw houses spread out below them, on the far side of the mountains and the woods. Down in the big valley, the forest's fresh green color scale got some competition from the white mother-of-pearl tones and fresh green grape vines that she recognizes Silverglade Manor.
Erika continued looking around and saw enormous stables gleaming white with reddish-brown roofs and black wood details. Beyond the stable buildings there were several enclosed pastures, paddocks, and jumping courses. She also saw several smaller stable structures in the area, spread out like a little village in the valley.
She saw an elderly woman with a middle-aged butler and some fancy-looking riders in front of Silverglade Manor arguing with a trio of GED people. Erika looked amongst the people to find anyone familiar in the crowd and relaxed to see a familiar woman.
The lean, elderly woman with her silvery-gray hair parted in the middle and held up in a bun by two pink chopsticks and a pink barrette on left. Her light blue eyes flashed with regal intensity and deep firmness. She's wearing a pale lilac gown, though the collar and the bow around her waist are a rich eggplant shade, and a light violet shade adorns the intricate needlework and the last three ruffles of her skirt. Her puffy, double ruffled sleeves that's ended with white pleated cuffs and has a slightly raised puffy collar around her neck held together by a golden pendant.
"Baroness Annabelle Silverglade." The mare had slowed down to a stop in a fair distance of the woman and Erika struggled to dismount the mare's back, even with the mare's assistance. "I need to see a doctor who will help me recover from my wolf bite."
"Wolf bite, you say?" The Baroness eyed Ms. Drake with a fierce touch of anger and the younger woman paled in slight fear. "When did it happened?"
"It happened a few hours ago," explained Erika as she gently clutched her bandaged injury and let the mare gently laid her nuzzle on Erika's left shoulder as Erika lightly leaned against the mare, feeling as if the mare's presence was protecting her. "I was exercising one of the horses from Moorland Stables when a pack of wolves had attacked me outside of Firgrove Village. We've led the wolf pack away, but the horse had tossed me in her panic. I was following Silversong River to find help when I came across this fearless beauty." Erika petted the mare's muzzle with her good arm and the mare nickered softly, making the girl smiled softly at the mare. "She helped me get away from the wolf pack." She and the mare glanced at the woods in the distance warily. "I think the wolf pack is still there. The riders there would be in great danger."
"Butler, bring this young lady to the doctor," the Baroness said to the butler and she turned to look at one of the experienced riders. "Linda, take her horse to the stables." The Baroness looked at Ms. Drake with a well-hidden smirk gracing her features. "Lets finish our conversation, shall we?"
"Yes." The blonde woman gritted her teeth with a forced grin. "Lets."
Erika was led towards the doctor office and had to laid down on the bed as the doctor put her to sleep.
At first, Erika's dreams were calm and peaceful for the first time in years.
No explosive fires chasing her through the winding hallways apartment with too many doors and windows. Nobody with ominous magic in front of her. No cries of pain and fear from anywhere. There was no fire, no smoke, no death or screaming. Just a calm, peaceful slumber.
She suddenly jolted awake when she suddenly heard agitated neighing and strong hooves coming towards the small cottage. The nurse opened a window and cried out in surprise as the black mare poked her head through the window and looked around protectively, while Erika chuckled at the amusing sight. The mare's amber eyes scanned the small room and whinnied excitedly at the sight of Erika.
"Erika, is this your horse?" asked the doctor uneasily.
Erika nodded as she slowly gotten up and saw the extra bandage on her right wrist, she knew that the doctor had put the sleeping shot on her. She waited as the doctor opened the door for her and carefully walked outside, where she was eagerly greeted by the mare.
"Yes. She's my horse." Erika hugged the black mare with a warm smile and the mare breathed gently into her hair. Erika lowered her head and encouraged the mare to lowered her head too. The human and horse both slowly touched each other's foreheads and kept their eyes on each other.
"What should I call you, my friend?" Erika asked the mare. "I owe you that much, since you've saved my life."
"My name is Nemain, my dear Erika." A strong, warm voice was soon heard in Erika's head. The voice is clearly a female and sounded human, but inhuman at the same time.
Erika patted Nemain's neck and said, "Looks like we're partners now, Nemain." The two of them both looked at each other with equal sisterly love for each other as the moon shone down on the two of them.

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