Chapter Nine: Exploring The Unknown

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Erika looked around warily too see that she wasn't camping in the Dino Valley anymore, but Erika seemed to be riding Nemain in the shadowy Hollow Woods. She could see that a massive amount of dark clouds were blocking out the moon and stars. Not a single sound could be heard from the undergrowth. The trees were extremely still and not a single rustle from the still wind could be heard. It was incredibly eerie to Erika. She and Nemain was surrounded by complete darkness from all over the place. Except for the faint, white glow way ahead of her. It was like all of the woods were holding their breath.
After a while, Erika saw a faint white glow in the distance. She made Nemain to pick up her trot into a gallop. It didn't take long for Nemain to pick up speed to a determined, but steady gallop. The pace didn't slow, and it felt as if Erika was riding a brave hawk in a calm and determined rhythm. Trees and long grass flew past them. She glanced over her shoulder to see that the woods was darkening behind them. It wasn't long till dark thunderclouds had rolled into the twilight sky and started blocking out the moon, making everything become darker and more ominous than before.
Erika tightened her grip on the reins and Nemain slowed down for a moment, long enough for her to regain her balance again and calm down her excitement. Erika took a deep breath, calming herself down and nodded to Nemain, who understood and they both continued galloping.
As Nemain continued galloping, it wasn't long till Erika had suddenly heard thundering hooves coming from the other side of the trees and across from them. She felt a cold wave of dread washed over her, but she decided to ignore it and keep pushing forward.
Despite this, Erika encouraged Nemain to continue galloping towards the glowing white light ahead. But to her surprise, Erika heard the unknown rider's horse had started to picking up the pace in the galloping. After she broke away from the tree line, the mysterious rider was revealed to be the same rider on the same dark horse that woke her up before the fire incident had started. But the dark horse's coat is blacker than black like a starless night sky, though the horse's mane and tail seemed to be ablaze with fire.
The mysterious rider seemed equally as startled as they both rode side by side, narrowly avoiding crashing into each other by accident. Nemain had slowed down for Erika to calm down her rapidly beating heart by placing a hand on her chest and taking deep breaths, while the other rider had slowed down his dark mare into a stop too.
If she didn't know any better, she could have sworn that he was trying to tell her something when Erika saw the desperate look in his eyes. He seemed to have became really agitated again and Erika wasn't able to hear him again. She looked at him sympathetically and with a thoughtful look entered her eyes.
Erika opened her mind to the mysterious rider and met his bright green eyes warmly. When one speaks telepathically one also transfers a glimpse about they strongest emotion. The feelings Erika had gotten from the mysterious rider was in a conflict of emotions, but she could feel desperate hope from the unknown horseman.
"Can you hear me?" Erika said to the other rider telepathically.
He looked beyond shocked and didn't replied at first. He looked so wounded and so determined at the same time. She suddenly saw tears of joy entered his eyes as he telepathically said, "Y-Yes. I-I can hear you." His voice was strong and determined, but she heard amazed warmth and sadness in his voice. "And you can hear me?"
"Of course." Erika looked at him in surprise as he let out a breath of amazed joy and relief. "You think I couldn't?"
"No." The young man shook his head and green eyes shone with so much emotions, it was almost heartbreaking to see. "Everybody I had came across were terribly scared of me for being different." He looked at her curiously. "My name is Gunnar Thrymson. But you can call me by my other name." He let a heartbroken sigh and looked down as he patted his black mare. "I deserve it."
Erika stiffened with anger and gave him a sharp look as she said, "No you don't. You're different, just like me."
Gunnar gave her a half smile, but he looked down with a deeply broken expression over his face as he said, "No. It can't be." His green eyes became filled with heartbroken sorrow and regret, while his mare nickered softly. Gunnar's gaze took on more sorrow and looked down, silent tears rolled down from his eyes and Morrigan rumbled in sympathy. Erika felt a massive wave of sympathy for his grief. "The fire had killed them all."
"Gunnar." Gunnar looked towards Erika when he suddenly saw a faint, silvery glow coming from her. He looked at her in slight confusion and saw the glowing amulet around her neck. His gaze had became more sorrowful and a hint of hope.
"Where did you get that amulet?" Erika was surprised in the sudden change of topic. But he doesn't seem angry nor upset, Gunnar seemed desperately hopeful.
She gently traced the carvings on her amulet before she explained, "This amulet is made by a druid and the piece of a runestone. It should protect me and my mare from any dangers." Erika smiled softly at it and Gunnar looked at her pleadingly, hoping for the truth to be spoken out loud. "My amulet has been passed down in my family for many years since Jorvik was found in the Middle Ages." Her blue eyes started glowing like a pair of blue flames. "My name is Erika Skyqueen."
A look of amazement and recognition entered Gunnar's gaze and his bright green eyes softened as he met Erika's bright blue eyes with a warm glow in his bright green eyes. Erika knew that she is the last living descendant of Gunnar. But before either one could say anything, they were both blindsided by a sudden white explosion of light and Gunnar made Morrigan stand in front of Erika and Nemain protectively as they cried out in shock...

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