Chapter Five: Renaissance Fair

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Erika led a haltered Nemain out of the trailer and towards the fair in the field with the lead rope. Upon arriving to the fair in the Everwind Fields, the sight nearly made the young girl breathless and her heart full. There were people absolutely everywhere. Various tent-like stands were set up in the streets and colorful decorations were hung, along with buckets of flowers. Children played games and battled in the streets, while the adults had their own fun. The children played with the maypole, in which is covered in flowers and greenery with a triangle shape at the top. Erika rode through the festival and had her share of fun cross country races with other riders, along trying some really good food. Days like these were what allowed her to not lose sight of what was important: good people.
Her eyes widened when she saw more than a dozen of tents and pavilions pitched all over the place. The pavilions all have sides with blue-green silks, cords of green, tent-pegs made of ivory; and high on the tent and pavilion poles were small blue and green flags of a yellow harp fluttering in the morning breeze. There's picnic baskets and blankets in a few areas. Traditional druid music could be heard in the air from a black-haired woman in brilliant green dress played a skin-headed drum, a brown-haired man in a druid tunic and pants played a set of humming bagpipes, a young man played on a flute, and a younger teen brown-haired girl played on a carved wooden harp on the carpet.
Erika smiled at the sound of the music and she soon saw two long tables lining the fields and piled with food. There were cakes soaked in sugar syrup and potatoes glazed with butter. Fruit were in decorative patterns or in cream. Cupcakes formed teetering stacks. Sausages lay in savory pyramids. Lumps of carrots and rich knobs of beef floated in tureens. There's plates of fried chicken surrounded by potatoes and bowls of salads. There was pitchers filled with water and lemonade on the tables.
She looked away from the tables of food and drinks, Erika led Nemain towards the tents that has a few tents that sells riding gear, clothes, and food that stops at the jousting area and surrounded by a pair of foldable staircases. Erika was wearing a green cloak on top of her long, sapphire blue tunic that fell to her hips. She only wore a pair of fingerless black riding gloves and a pair of blue pants accented with white diamond-shaped patterns at the edge of the pants and dark brown riding boots, but she's still wearing her silver amulet around her neck.
"Well, this is going to be an interesting day," remarked Erika as she caught Nemain's gaze and headed towards an unused paddock.
Erika was uncertain about riding again, but her anxiety faded away as Nemain lovingly nuzzled her head against hers. She strapped her fingerless riding gloves over her hands. It has been over five years since she last wore riding gear, but Erika was glad to have it again. She felt nothing, but determined and excited to be horseback riding again.
Erika glanced up at Nemain, who looked completely calm. Out of the corner of Erika's eye, she could see that the other riders were studying the horse too.
She put her foot in one of the stirrups and flung herself onto the saddle. She slipped her other foot into other stirrup and took hold of the reins. They walked on slowly in a circle inside of the paddock.
After a few minutes, Erika had finally stopped trembling. Nemain walked forward smoothly and gently, peering up at Erika. If horse can smile, Nemain just did. She smiled back at the mare and felt a gentle touch of tears in her eyes. This time, it was tears of joy and massive pride. She's on the back in the saddle with her soul partner!
After a bit, Nemain trotted for a bit until she finally broke into a smooth, flowing canter. They were flying together, as though they're one in the same. Erika felt the gentle wind rushed through her. She was intensely aware of Nemain's movements underneath her. She felt herself smiling and Nemain let out a shrill, joyful whinny.
I did it! I'm riding again! Erika smiled as she gently petted Nemain's neck as the mare looked up at Erika proudly and she said to her new partner, "Thank you Nemain." Nemain whinnied and it wasn't long they started galloping. They were soaring together, as though they're one in the same. Erika felt the whooshing of the wind going through her. I'm finally with my soul partner.
She rode Nemain through fair and continued looking around curiously, noting that everything around her looked like it was painted from a great artist or fantasy photoshop.
"Erika!" called out a familiar voice that shook her out of her voices.
She looked over her shoulder and spun Nemain around to see the Baroness with an Indian girl named Linda Chanda and some other riders on the backs of their horses. Linda's horse is what caught Erika's eye; the stallion is rotund, chestnut with a white blaze and a shiny white mane and tail. But Erika looked away from the girl and her stallion to the Baroness.
"My dear child," the Baroness said with a warm smile. "I want to show my gratitude for saving Valedale Village and exposing the GED's plots."
"Really?" Erika tilted her head curiously at the Baroness. "What is it?"
The Baroness chuckled quietly and smiled gently at the teenage girl as she said, "It'll be revealed once the jousting competition is over." She gave Erika a sly smile. "But this photographer wants to take a quick picture of you my dear. Is that okay?"
Erika looked at the nervous, brown-haired young man photographer and dismounted Nemain. She started standing regally next to the black mare, the reins were held in Erika's hands and the two partners nodded to the photographer. The young man snapped a pair of pictures of the teenage girl and her mare.
The trumpets were immediately sounded and everybody had gotten into position to watch the last jostling match before the surprise. Erika sat down next to the Baroness with the other riders on the staircase.
"Up next is Sir Mark on Archie versus Sir Tarik on Timber," announced Justin.
"When did he became an announcer?" Erika wondered to herself as she watched as the two dark-haired men gotten ready on each side.
Sir Mark seems to have wavy brown hair and calm forest green eyes. But at the moment, he was wearing jostling armor with the symbol of a red snake. He was riding a seal brown Trakehner stallion that has a bright green jostling cloth over the horse.
Though, Sir Tarik seems to have short black hair and determined olive green eyes. But for the moment, he was wearing jostling armor with the symbol of a blue lion. He was riding a sooty buckskin Jorvik Warmblood stallion that has a bright blue jostling cloth over the horse.
"Let it begin!" Everyone watched as the two knights had charged towards each other with different colored lances and shields in their hands.
Erika immediately knew that this was going to be a while still and she would much rather watch the events than have to be a part of them. She watched as the two knights' lances collided into each other and Sir Tarik had fell off of his horse after a strong blow from Sir Mark's lance. Erika flinched at the fall of the other knight and felt sympathetic towards the other knight. Sir Mark rode Archie rode to the other side of the arena as the cheering had rose from the crowd.
"And the winner of the jostling tournament is... Sir Mark and his fearless stallion, Archie!" Justin cleared his voice. "That means he shall be the one to knight the newest knight of Jorvik!"
The Baroness led Erika and Nemain into the show arena with Sir Mark and Archie by the elder woman's side. Knights rode on horseback into a circle around Erika, Sir Mark, and the Baroness. Everyone else stood behind the knights in a neat circle and watched on with eagerness. The knights pulled out their shields to show their swords and shields to reveal their approval towards the newest knight of the girl.
"Show your blade," Sir Mark prompted.
Erika lowered her onto one knee and placed her sword in front of her, her forehead lightly brushing against the flat part of the hilt and her hands wrapped firmly around the golden hilt.
"By doing this one simple act of allowing a woman to become a Knight of Jorvik, we are making a new day and a new era for Jorvik," announced Sir Mark in a strong voice. "This won't always happen and this is a first, but it will not be the last. I allow and encourage in the short time that I know Erika as a brave, determined, and loyal individual." Sir Mark smiled warmly at the bowing figure of Erika behind her sword. "I ask you Erika Skyqueen to never do anything outrageously nor murder, and always to flee treason; also, by no meaning of being cruel, but to give unto them that ask for mercy, upon of forfeiture of their worship and ladyship of Baroness Annabelle Silverglade for evermore; and always to do other ladies and gentlewomen succor upon the pain of death. Also, no person takes no battles in wrongful quarrel for no law, for no world's goods. Will you do as I ask of you?"
"I will." Erika's voice didn't shook and held much determination.
She felt the flat side of the blade as Sir Mark gently touched her shoulders from his sword, and Erika kept her head bowed.
"Your sword is Caelan," the Baroness intoned, solemnly. "Bear it well, Erika."
"I will," Erika promised, feeling the weight of the words settle over her shoulders.
"Then arise, Lady Erika Firebane," the Baroness commanded. "Knight of Jorvik."
Erika smiled as she gotten up gracefully with Nemain standing by her side and caught sight of the Baroness' proud expression. Erika's heart lifted to the sky as everyone from the crowd had started cheering for her and her partner.
After the celebration of her knighting ceremony, Erika was riding Nemain's as they both gazed down at the festival. When she looked over her shoulder, she some girls around her age approaching her on their horses. She recognizes the Portuguese black-haired girl named Luciana and she was riding a black Lusitano named Sirio from the Canter Ella Movie. Erika saw the red-haired girl named Sonja from Valedale Village and was riding a stallion Kvit Fjord named Kasper, Sonja was accompanied with a brown-haired girl named Emma from Goldenhills Valley and Emma was riding a light palomino Chincoteague Pony mare named Mudskipper. Erika's eyes lingered on a blind girl with short and braided back black hair. Her skin is the color of deep brown. She's wearing a blue shawl tied with a Viking styled pendant around her neck, in which was accompanied by her furry brown vest with a blue t-shirt showing through, brown riding pants and boots, and holding a white cane. She's riding on a dappled flaxen chestnut pangare Haflinger stallion with a thick white mane and tail.
"Can I help you girls?" asked Erika warily as they stood a little away from them.
"Don't worry," Luciana reassured. "We just want to ask you if you want to join us."
"I'll think about it." She narrowed her eyes at Luciana's reply, but she noticed that they were all wearing brown helmets with golden threaded foxes in mid-jump. Erika soon realized that the four riders were part of a riding club. But they didn't seem intense as the Bobcats or mischievous as the Bulldogzs. They seem more calm and friendly than the two competitive clubs. She could see it as the four girls spoke and laughed from one of their jokes.
Erika had thought back a few days after she had bonded with Nemain. She had felt so lonely back then, like she was always in the way of all the other excited riders moving through the aisles of the stables. She had always felt the odd one out at the stables. She spoke wrong (sarcasm is often used in cities). She's dressed wrong (she wears average riding gear than regular riders). She rides Nemain alone on the trails instead of racing through the forest (too lonely sometimes). Erika had thought that maybe it was best to keep to herself, to be alone than feel the pain of being left out. But these girls seemed more than eager to become her friend.
"Okay," said Erika as she looked at the curious girls. "I will join your riding club."
"Welcome to the Flying Foxes." Sonja offered her hand to Erika and Erika took it with a small smile.

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