IV. Matsuri - New Game+

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         Harumi had talked about a second date like she expected it. Even several weeks later, that was all I could think about. I had made an absolute mess of the first date even though I hadn't meant it to be our first, and yet she had encouraged me not to give up.
         Why?! Why is she always so hard to understand?! Why does she stick around when I am so hopeless around her?! It doesn't make sense! None of this makes any sense anymore.
         Those thoughts plagued me ever since my failure. My dreams were filled with those random moments of affection towards the end that just came out of nowhere. However no matter how much I thought about it, there seemed to be no logical answer. The only hint I had was that there was another couple of people whose relationship was confusing to me despite it clearly working. If anyone could help me make sense of my current situation, it would be Mei. So once I had been tormented enough by the thoughts, I finally gave in and decided to hunt the robotic beauty down at school so I could ask her. It didn't take that long. I had noticed that she had very few places she actually seemed to visit during her breaks. So it was easy to track her down without searching too hard. This time she was in the chairman's office, and to my surprise, she was also alone.
"Yes, Matsuri? What do you need?"
Her question gave me a slight pause. There was only one thing I wanted to talk to her about, but there were two different approaches. I could slowly delve into it by first asking about the things she had mentioned before she and Yuzu left, or I could jump in and explain the situation I was in with Harumi. Knowing how my android of a big sister was built, I decided to dive right in.
"Sooo, I think I'm in a precarious situation..."
"What happened?"
"It seemed that Harumi thought I had asked her on a double date back when we all hung out."
         As we spoke, I made my way into the room. I made sure to count my steps and eye all the spots that I could either hide or find someone who might appear from. There was also a large window behind the desk, and a few things I could use if I had to defend myself. Even though I knew I was safe here, I allowed my mind to get ready just in case. Mei had been busy with council work, but when I mentioned the double date, she paused and looked up with a weighing eye.
"Was it not supposed to be?"
"Well... I didn't actually think she'd..."
"What did you say when you invited her?"
I know I only called it a date with you, because you would always think I was teasing and wouldn't think too hard about it. I'd be too scared to call it a date with her even if it was actually supposed to be one.
"We saw the ad for the movie, and I said: Next weekend. Let's go see it together, I will get the tickets and invite Yuzu and Mei. We could get dinner together afterwards. It'd be nice. Especially without Nene to interrupt us. Just the four of us going out. Interested? So what do you think? Was that actually a date invitation? I'm used to things being a little more... explicit."
          My words hung uncomfortably in the air for a moment, their implication filling us both with unwanted memories. Mine were from my old work, and hers... hers were from something she never really talked about with me. After a second to let the trauma pass, she pointed out the very beginning of my insane mistake.
"You invited her to see a lesbian romantic drama with the couple you're both connected to and no one else, followed by a nice dinner. It's not the most direct invite to a date, but the implication is there."
"So I really blew it then. But that just makes it even more confusing now."
"What is?"
            I sighed. I was already opening up way too much about things to stop now. So I pushed onward despite it clearly putting me at a disadvantage.
"She wasn't upset. She teased me about failing so hard if I had been thinking it was a date, then instructed me to think about what I'd expect on a date and work on it for the next time. She said she thought I could do better."
"And did you?"
Would I be here if I had figured out what she was talking about?!
"I have no idea what to do. I know I messed up last time, and it's not at all how I'd act if I thought it was a real date. But is she just teasing me, or was she saying I should try again? You know what my relationship experiences actually are. I've never done this! I don't know how I'm supposed to act or if I'm reading too much into things. Every date I've been on before was one where I had been selected and knew going in that it was going to lead to... but this isn't the same. It's..."
         I was too afraid to actually admit it, and so I just sank into a chair opposite of where Mei sat at her desk. Even though it was impossible for me to admit what I was scared of, Mei was able to hint at it without much effort.
"It's real. I can sympathise. I still am not sure how to act on a date with Yuzu, and we're engaged. And for what it's worth, I think she was telling you to try again and show her what dating you would be like."
That attitude might work with you and your puppy of a fiancé, but Harumi and I aren't like you. We're both way to cautious and frankly I don't know if I have anything of actual value.
"But you two make it work... even with that strange reset rule. I... I don't know if I can make it work without that stuff. I know I can't confess yet. That... that's too scary right now. But I want to show her that she can take a chance on me. So... so, will you help me figure out what to do? Help me understand how you and Yuzu date so I don't mess it up again."
          I blinked at just how quickly she was willing to agree to helping me.
"You will?!"
"But in return I need you to do something for me."
"Of course you would extort me."
          It felt as though a bucket of icy water was poured over me while I was standing in a hot desert. While I was disappointed that she wasn't altruistic, at least the world was making sense again. Of course, then she had to disprove that idea for me.
"It's not extortion. I want an alliance."
"I'm not joining the student council to be your puppet."
I have been paying attention ever since I had met you. It always comes back to the student council or Yuzu with you, and I doubt you are meaning you want my help with her. All my advice now would be sexual anyways.
"I'd never want a puppet and the student council is the last place you should be."
"Then... what?"
           I stared at her, dumbfounded. There wasn't anything else I could think of that she would want to have me help her with. After a moment where she seemed to weigh her options, she spoke.
"You're aware of Maruta's old network, right? Her spies and operatives that she used to quietly protect and help queer girls in and out of the school."
"Yes, especially considering that's something they have talked about making bigger if they could."
"Well the successor just arrived and she's being... difficult."
           There was one thing I knew about Mei Aihara: she rarely let down her guard to show her emotions except when it had to do with Yuzu. So it was surprising to watch her struggle to bury clear frustration at the thought of this random person. It was too tasty of a target to pass up.
"Someone is annoying the robot?! I need to meet this potential rival."
"You'd either be disappointed or creeped out."
"Why would I?!"
If someone other than me can get under your skin this much, I'd imagine that we'd become good friends.
           My thoughts weren't helped by the picture she painted of this nuisance.
"She's... sweet. And can play innocent better than anyone I've ever seen. I don't know how to get a full read on her. And she's cagey about her job as the successor. That's why I need someone I can trust who can be cunning and sneaky."
"You flatter me."
            It was just too hard to not say that as deadpan as I could. It felt like she was just calling me a delinquent or trouble maker. She must have been able to sense my feelings, because she rose from her seat and rounded the desk to stand near me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"I want you to be my agent. Keep an eye on things at the school. Figure out how she operates and don't get in their way, but try to get her to let you help. Just so we're informed about what's happening in my school."
"And what will I get out of it?"
Because even though you're making it sound like you're trusting me, I don't want to just be your tool.
"I'll be your ally with the Harumi situation and help you whenever you need me."
            I sighed. She knew me too well.
"Deal. Now who is this successor?"

Citrus: Mei's Story+Matsuri volume 1 - Open HeartWhere stories live. Discover now