Chapter 6

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Majesty's POV

I hummed to the song that played on the car speaker. After Soriah left I got dressed and waited for Cora. She said she wanted to take me somewhere before I get to pick what we do for the rest of the day. It was an awkward silence in the car and I wanted it to go away. I could tell that Cora was sort of nervous, by the way she would tap on the steering wheel or nervously clear her throat.

Deciding to break the awkward silence I asked her a question "where are we going?" She briefly looked at me before looking back onto the road. "Um we're going out to eat first, it's a very nice restaurant I swear" she spoke out quickly. I nodded my head at the information but watching the other cars go by.

"How do you like it out here so far?" I heard her ask me. I thought about it for a while before answering "you want my honesty" I replied back. "Sure why not" we stopped at a red light and she turned to me "I don't like it". Her face turned pale and for a quick second her eyes grew sad. For the rest of the ride we sat in silence but this time it wasn't awkward. I'm not sure what it was.

We arrived at the restaurant after having a hard time finding a parking spot. "It's called Aurora Brooklyn" It looked as if I was walking into a fancy garden. With all the greenery going, I kind like it. We sat down inside, sitting next to a brick wall. Cora sat across from me. After getting comfortable I looked over the menu already spotting what I'm going to get.

"What are you getting?" Cora asked as she still looked over the menu "um..the ravioli spinach" she nodded her head "I think im just going to get the Tuscan kale". The waitress came over to take our orders, after ordering out food we sat there looking around the restaurant. You could tell we didn't know what to say.

"Listen I just want to start off with an apology" I paused looking around and turned to Cora. "Apology for what?" I was slightly confused. "I'm sorry that you don't like it here, i mean the only reason we moved out here was mostly because of me. And I feel as if not once did we ask if you were okay with I'm sorry that you don't like it here and I'm sorry we didn't ask you first". I looked down at my fingers fighting the tears that came to my eyes.

While I do appreciate the apology it doesn't help that fact that I'm still here...somewhere I don't want to be. I had no idea what to say because of the fact that I'm still angry with her and my mom "okay" I mumbled not looking up. "I can also tell that you're not to found of me but I would like to change that. I know I'm not your mom  or a parent figure to you but I would like to try and be at least someone or something for you...please".

I finally looked up seeing that she never stopped looking my way. I  quickly wiped my eyes before answering "I'll try" I responded "I'll take that" Cora smiled before looking at the waitress "looks like out food is here". After Cora expressed her feelings we barely talked and I liked to think it was because the food was too good. I tried some of Cora's food but it wasn't better than mines. "Whew I am full" Cora pushed her empty plate away from her.

"Same" following her same moves, I leaned back into my chair. "Would you like some dessert we can just take it with us?" I thought about saying no before I remembered I saw my favorite dessert on there. "Yeah we can do that". After ordering the dessert we left the restaurant walking back to the car. "So what do you want to do next?" Cora asked as we got into the car. "Actually can we just go back home? We can just watch a movie or something"

She looked towards me before smiling "yeah we can do that...what movie?" I shrugged my shoulders "we can just find something". On our way back home we sat in silence once again but this time it was a nice and quiet. We stopped at a store to grab some snacks before going back home. Walking into the house then kitchen. We was met with mom cooking something. "So how was it?" She asked hopefully "it was good" I answered as she breathed out in relief "yup and now we're about to watch a movie" Cora went up to my mom placing a kiss on her forehead "oh we are?" My mom asked confused "no we are" I pointed to me and Cora "not you" I playfully spoke to my mom.

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