Underfell!Sans - P.3

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I notice Papyrus looking over me.

S'not that hard when you pretty much had protective brothers before in your past lives.

So it didn't matter to me if he watched over me.

I've done it a few thousand (was it a thousand? I don't remember.) times already.

Can't be so different now?

So, I just shrugged and went back home, telling my bro of course.

He would wonder where i'd go if I disappeared suddenly, wouldn't he?

I short cut to my room since I didn't feel like walking after I went in front of the door.

As I do so, I immediately remove my jacket and shoes and glasses, glad I didn't left them.

I would practically be blind with them anyway.

I opened my journal, picking up my pen to write what happened today.

Even if it was a bit boring, couldn't hurt to write now?

I slightly chuckled at that, a bit amused with myself.

I was done before I knew it, my time here was a bit small so it didn't last long.

I placed my pen on the table and flipped through pages.

I was met with thousands of names, descriptions of what happened, and good and bad times.

But most of all.

My deaths.












How funny.

Even as death himself, I died.

Even as I was 'immortal', I died.

Even as a undead...

I still died.

Color Immediately drained from my face.

My shoulders went slack, and my smile dropped to a thin line.



I was the only one that remembered.

The only one that remembered I had lovers.

Best friends, and enemies (frenemies?)

And brothers....

Bittersweet was it?

They get to live their lives, untouched and forgetful of their past lives before them.

And I was stuck here.

A lonesome college student who was selfish enough to end their life.

I sighed and closed my journal.


That ended with a rough end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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