Chapter 4

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We started out the door and approached the nice car. I opened the passenger's seat door and sat down quietly without a word to be said.

Avi started up the car and we were off to Jenni's ice cream.

"Soooo...." I began

"Soooo...." Avi spoke mockingly

"You're my new dad and your name is Avi Kaplan?" I asked.

"Yes, but you can call me just Avi, and Esther just Esther if you want since we're all new to this. You having a father and me having a daughter."

"Wait. So if Esther is your sister are we including her as my aunt as well?" I questioned

"I think so but you would have to ask her about that"

The next thing I know is that the song Can't Hold Us came on and Avi is singing like a bass god for the song.

The song was finished and I sat there in pure amazement. It sounds better in real life than on the recording.

"Avi you are so good why don't you sing more than the bass." I screamed on the top of my lungs.

Oh crap! I don't want him to know that I know about Pentatonix. Shoot.

"First of all, quiet down a little bit they can hear you in China. Now the answer to your question is because I sing bass the best and that's just what I'm good at doing."

"Oh, okay then."

Skip to Jenni's

We walked up to the counter and I ended up ordering a scoop of the milkiest chocolate in the world while Avi got a wild berry lavender.

When we sat down, a group of what I'm guessing to be fangirls, ran quickly up to us asking for pictures and autographs from Avi.

I sat there silently, giggling about how many people love Avi and I get to spend most of my life with him.

"Why are you laughing" Avi asked questioningly.

"Because for some odd reason a bunch of girls happen to know who you are and want you to sign their foreheads."

"Why is that anyway". I wanted to know if he would mention Pentatonix.

"I was on a show called the sing off and my group was a popular choice of the fans."

I started to feel like Avi was catching on to my suspicion of him and the rest of the group.

"Um Faith?"


"Would you like to meet some friends of mine."

"Yeah. Who are you taking me to see?"

"You'll have to be patient and find out more information later."

Honestly, I hope it will be the rest of the group

Time skip to Scott's house

We walked up to a grand house with a beautiful front garden.

Avi knocked on the door when a voice inside yelled "coming!" It sounded like Mitch.

Okay, now I'm just going to let my opinions/inner fangirl release.

Mitch opened up the door after about 30 seconds of trying to make himself presentable for whoever it might have been. And may I add he didn't do it well so he gave up.

"Hey Avi! Watcha need" he asked curiously.

"Is the rest of the group here?"

"Yeah, they came earlier to hang out before rehearsals."

"Could we come in to speak with you guys"

"Sure they are in the basement."

I watched where Avi went and he ended up turning to the first left and walked down a set of stairs.

I stayed back and followed Mitch to his kitchen.

I started to wonder whether or Not I should just go for it, so I did.

"Hey Mitch?"

"Yes sweetie?" I don't think he knows that Avi adopted me

"Can I have a hug?"

"Why yes of course, but if you don't mind me asking why"

By this time I approached Mitch, and gave him the biggest hug I possibly could. Slowly tears started to flow. The next thing I know is that I'm bawling into his perfect shirt.

"Oh, honey shh shh your okay." He spoke in a soft and loving voice.

I'm guessing the group heard me because they had come running up the stairs as quickly as they could.

A/n so will the truth officially come out or not. continue reading and find out
I love you guys

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