Chapter 1

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"Oh come on! It couldn't be that bad." A whiny voice came from the back of a small coffee shop.

There stood a fox like boy, begging another short boy who wore a dark brown mullet to join him in texting their number neighbors.

"Why would I text a random person in the first place?," the boy with the mullet grumbled in a deep voice. "What would I even say?"

The fox looked dumbfounded at the boy. "I don't know maybe a 'hello'? Felix, it's not like it's a life or death situation, just text them."

There was pause between the two boys as they both stared at each other. Finally the younger spoke up, "if he texts you back today, then you owe me a meal, got it?"

Felix let out a huff, "Fine."

He pulled out his phone and dialed in his number, changing the last digit to a six.






Felix clicked the power button on his phone and slid it into his pocket.

He let out a sigh turning to his expectant best friend, "Jeongin, it's not that exciting."

"Yes it is! You just texted your number neighbor." He had a smile on his face. "Hopefully, he responds before the end of your shift, but if he doesn't and texts you later." He pauses, leaning closer to the freckled face boy. "You better tell me about it."

Felix looked at Jeongin through squinted eyes, "Yeah yeah I get it, I'll tell you when he texts back."

Both of them went back to their job. Jeongin manning the espresso and cappuccino machines, while Felix worked the counter, taking orders from tired customers on their way home from work. The two worked hard, handing out cup after cup, and unfortunately the coworker who was "on smoke break" and supposed to help the two on shift, had never come back, leaving the boys by themselves in the busy café.

The hours passed as the two worked hard, and soon it was time for the coffee shop to close. Jeongin had already put his apron up and started cleaning the counters, when a customer walked in. He looked in a rush, he walked up to the counter and asked if the shop was still open.

Jeongin became irritated as he told the customer to wait as he left to grab Felix from the back.

"You deal with this customer. I am going home," Jeongin said in a huff as he picked up his keys and walked out the back of the building.

"What do you mean deal with a customer? At closing time? Don't most know when we close?" Felix's questions were fruitless as he watched his coworker continue walking out the door ignoring him.

Kicking Jeongin's ass later just got added to my to-do list. Felix glared at the shut door, before grabbing his apron from the hook, and fixing his bangs.

Felix appeared from the back, greeting the man standing nervously on the other side of the counter.

"I'm sorry, I was in a rush and I heard this coffee shop was amazing and I had to check it out, but my work held me longer, so I couldn't get here when it was busy."

Number Neighbor/CHANLIXWhere stories live. Discover now