Chapter 3

115 5 2

Unknown Number

Unknown number
Are you a fellow Aussie?
Anyways we're number neighbors!


Chan stared at the message. It was nice to see someone new excited to text him. He usually got fan girl emails or random texts trying to scam him just because he was famous. This one didn't seem to know who Chan was, and the only people who have his personal number are his family, band mates, and his manager. Maybe this guy texting him was secretly a fan of his who somehow ended up with Chan's personal number.

Ugh, he thought. If this turns into a fan, I'm trashing this phone and getting a new number.

Chan decided to play into the number neighbors thing. This stranger seemed friendly enough. And as the message suggested, Chan was talking to a fellow aussie. What a coincidence.


Unknown Number

Yes I am from Australia, and yeah ig we are number neighbors

Unknown Number
Oooooo what part of Australia are you from?!

Why does a stranger like you want to know? 😟

Unknown Number
Why you make it sound like I'm a creep? 🧍
My name is Lee Felix. There we aren't strangers anymore😤

Hello Lee Felix, but I'm gonna have to keep my where abouts to myself for now...
And my name is Chris btw 😘

Unknown Number
A kissy face 😕
Its not giving...

Whats not giving?

Unknown Number
Obviously 👹

Why are we so rude all of a sudden😟

Unknown Number
Im not being rude... you were being stoopid 🤷‍♂️

I sent a kissy face and now I'm being bullied

Chan I sent a kissy face and now I'm being bullied

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Unknown Number
Okay? I'm not gonna stop you... I don't even know who you are

 I don't even know who you are

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Number Neighbor/CHANLIXWhere stories live. Discover now