Chapter 14: Hide and Seek

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Chapter 14
Hide and Seek...

To his surprise when Forth woke up he found himself in his bed...

And to add to it he felt well rested unlike all the other times he woke up like he had waged a war in his sleep...

The morning light filled the room and in the digital clock in the room he could see that it was 7:45 in the morning which shocked Forth as he never slept so late...

Did i get myself knocked out or something...?
Forth thought sitting up on the bed...
Wasn't I sitting on the couch with Beam watching the movie...?
Beam...Wait a minute...Where is Beam...
He looked towards Beam's bed to find it empty...

For a moment he worried if something had happened like the last week...
But then he saw that Beam's bag and car keys were gone and decided he might have left for college early...

After sometime when Forth was about to leave after getting ready for college he heard a familiar ringtone from Beam's side...

Forth sighed...

Med School Cafeteria...

"Woah...Heard you came to college even before the watchman did...?"
Kit asked as he sat down with his breakfast...

"I woke up I thought it best to get ready and come to college right away than lingering there..."
Beam, who had placed his head sleepily on his bag said looking up...

"Why DID you wake up early...?We didn't have anything to do for you to lose sleep over..."
Pha asked smiling...

"Ergh...Don't even ask..."
Beam replied sighing...

The real reason he ran before Forth would wake up was something else...

During the initial days, though he found Forth very attractive, the man's rotten character annoyed him to his very limits and was such a turn off...But off late the situation became totally different...

He started to have feelings for Forth...
And even more scarier was the fact that he started to care for him...

Then again who wouldn't...?
When he was not in one of his "moods" the man was such a character that would make anybody fall for him...
He was handsome...
He was charming...
He was charismatic..
He was funny...
He was flirty...
He was sweet...
He was caring...
He was cool...
He cooked well...
And then there were his laughs...
There was something about it that hypnotized him...

Gah...This is so annoying...You are really hopeless Beam Barame...
Beam thought sighing...

Remember how rude and high and mighty he was last week...Think of how he used to disturb your sleep by prowling about all night...Think about how he used to snap at you...
He reminded himself...

But Forth got the poster remade...He didn't have to do that actually...
He did because he was the one who ruined it in the first place...
Beam reasoned...

He helped with Nathee...
But he was having fun at your expense too...

Last day he shouted at you when all you were doing was help him when he had nightmares...
But he already apologized...

Damn it Beam Barame...
He thought to himself with a sigh...

You silly thing...This is going to be Nate fiasco all over again...
Only difference would be that this time you are was going to be humiliated infront of the whole country...

Beam sighed again...

Even after everything his heart went out to the guy...
He knew something was affecting Forth...
He was starting to wonder if the man was traumatized about something which might be causing him insomnia...The past week there were days when Forth slept only for 2-3 hours...Then there were days when he would exhausting himself working out so that he could sleep like dead...

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