Chapter 16: Busted

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Chapter 16

Next morning...

"Wake up...Phana Kongthanin wake UP..."
Phana groaned as he felt his duvet being tugged...

"Let me sleep mom..."

"It's already 8 Pha...Don't you have to be at college by 8:30...?You will be roasted alive by your professors if you are late..."

Phana sighed and jumped up abruptly...

"Damn it...I overslept..."

"Haven't you been wearing this boxers like for ages...?I remember seeing the same one three days ago...How can you be in the same one today later...?"
Phana's mother, Sylvia asked him...

Phana mumbled exasperated and pulled up the duvet...

"You should wash your undergarments frequently Phana...Or you will get rashes and itches..."

Phana mumbled embarassed...

"Fine...I'll let you be..."
She said...

"Come out as soon as you get ready...I'll fix something to eat..."

"You don't have to bother...I can..."

"I hope the fridge is not empty this time...Your father is very absent minded when it comes to these things..."
She said as she walked out of the room...

Phana sighed and ran his hands through his hair...


As Phana came out after getting ready he saw that his mother had made breakfast and kept it in the table...

He was about put some scrambled eggs on his plate when he heard his parents...

"I am off duty today woman...Let me sleep..."

"Eat something and then go back to sleep Wan...You can't work yourself to death for days and then sleep whole day when you are off duty...It's bad enough that you neglect your health when you are working...At least take care when you are off duty..."

Phana heard his father scream and he knew his mother had pulled his father's duvet off...
"Oh don't be a's not like I haven't seen that...We have been married remember..."
His mother said non-chalantly...

Phana sighed...

"Don't you have a husband to nag, Syl...?Why are you still eating my head off...?"
Wan said in an annoyed voice...

"Unlike you, Krit can take care of himself...You on the other hand are so irresponsible when it comes to taking care of yourself..."
Silvia said to her ex-husband...

"I can take care of myself..."
Wan replied irritated...
"I paid all the bills...I had a lady come over to clean the house...I stuffed up the fridge this weekend..."

Phana heard shuffling off feet and knew his father was up...

"The milk in the fridge had curdled...The meat had all gone bad....The left overs have all got fungus...And the fridge is stinking with rotten food.."

"But I just bought all of them a few days ago..."
His father said annoyed...

"The fridge was off Wan..."
Sylvia replied exasperated...


Silence ensued...

"Now you know why I worry about you all the time...Especially now that Pha is staying in the dorms...If nobody is nagging, you won't take care of yourself..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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