chapter 2

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(Plz listen to Electric Feel: linked above.. Mya!)

Ellie p.o.v

We got the letters of who we would be talking to a week after we chose the school we wanted to send letters to.

The kid I got was Lucas Hemmings.

We were told to write a "introduction" letter to our pen pal, as they would do the same.

Mrs.Williams said we should get their letter when I get mine from Lucas.

We were also told we had a due date to give our stamped letters to Mrs. Williams by Friday. Today was Wednesday so I had two days.

I usually do my work as soon as it is assigned. So I decided to write my letter as soon as I was told to.

Dear Lucas ,

Hi, my name is Ellie Hailey Jones! I'm pretty stoked that I'm getting to write to a person in another country. Well, we were told to ask 5 or more questions, so hopefully they aren't to personal, don't feel pressured to answer them.

1) What is your aspiration in life?
2) Why did you choose my school?
3)Are you in a relationship with a lady friend? ( please excuse my randomness :) )
4) What do you look like?
5) What's your best friend/s names?
6) Ever been in love?

Hopefully we will make a friendship out of this my penpal!

Ellie Hailey Jones

I read over the letter what felt like 300 times. I like my work to be flawless.

As I walked up to the teachers desk to get a stamp and envelope I kissed the letter for "safe travels" to Australlia.

Authors Note:

Luke's letter is next

I have major feels for a boy at my school KMS 😩😩😩😩

Hope this was good


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