Chapter/Part 5 & 6

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Editors Note: These chapters are kinda short, so I combined them.

As we followed Jack, we seemed to have run behind a zoo. Confused, I just went with it. Soon after, we stopped. We were all silent for a while. What broke the silence was the breaking of glass. I peeked behind the corner of the crumbled mossy stone brick wall. I thought It was just a window or something. But man was I wrong! There seemed to be a few zebras, a lion, and 5 tigers still in their cages. But one thing I didn’t notice.. Was the tall Unicorn behind me. I heard heavy footsteps slowly coming towards us. I slowly Turned around to see a Giraffe, with a horn, crazed eyes, A big Unicorn seemed to be riding it.. It’s eyes were red.. It seemed to have the same eyes as the Unicorns.. I froze.. I just couldn’t move at all. “Come on John!” Jack yelled out. But I couldn’t run.. Even though I wanted to. Then, Somebody grabbed the back of my shirt,  pulling me away from it. I soon later fainted because I couldn’t process what was going on. When I awakened, I saw Jack sealing off a door with a rusty metal pipe. “What are you doing..?” I asked. “I’m sealing off the door at Charlie’s request.” “Also, You really want to get attacked?” “No, Not really.” I say. “But, The big Unicorns will most likely break down the door.” I say. “I saw one break through a door more blocked off and stronger than that one.” “Well I doubt one could fit in the entrance tunnel anyways.” “Also they are called brutes, get it right.” He says. About 5 minutes later, we hear a knocking on the door. “The brutes can’t knock, right?” I ask. “Yes, they can knock you over, No I don’t think they could knock on doors.” Jack says, Then he slightly opens the door, and then opens it the rest of the way. “Oh, Charli-, wait.. Is that Unicorn the one you feed?” I ask. “Of course!” She responds. “Why would I bring another one in here?” “I don’t really kno-” *BOOM* “HOW THEY HECK DID THEY FIND US ALREADY!?!?!” Jack Yells out.

Chapter/Part 6

“Who Found us”!? I frantically asked Jack while kind of panicking. “Well, it's hard to explain”. “Come on John and Charlie”. “I’ll explain everything on the way”. Jack said. “But where are we going?” “You know I still got attacked by that brute”! Charlie exclaimed. Just come on! Would you rather be out in the open with “Them”..? Jack said. “No..” “Didn’t think so”. He said. “Now, come on”. “I ended up giving Charlie a piggyback ride, due to her fractured leg”. “But what about- About Denis”? Charlie asked. “Who!?” “Denis, the Unicorn.” “You named it?!?!” “Well it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out!” She said. ‘Stop Fighting!” I yelled out. “While you two were fighting, I found a pretty hollow wall.” I said. “We could probably use something to break through it.” “Well I have a Tea Kettle.” Charlie said. “I mean.. That could work I guess..” Jack said. Then Denis just rammed into the wall easily. “Uhh Well then let’s go before “They come.” I said. “You guys go on ahead, I need to grab something and also cover up this hole.” Jack said. As we went along, After about 40 seconds, Jack had followed us and covered the hole. BOOM! CRASH! “They got in.” Jack whispered. I Thought you said this was the place! An unfamiliar voice said. “Well I- I was pretty sure I saw them go in here!” Said a voice that sounded somewhat like Tom's. But, it was a little bit less deep. “Well Pretty sure isn’t totally sure!” “Whatever, We’ll keep an eye out for them, Just make sure we don’t get attacked by those stupid monsters.” As we heard them leave, Charlie started to head back out of the tunnel. “Wait!” I said. “It still isn’t safe out there, We shouldn’t head back yet.” “They could still be waiting for us outside!” Charlie stopped. She turned back around. “Fine, but we can’t stay here for too long either.” She said. “Well, there is another place down deeper in the tunnel.” Jack said. “Well that doesn’t seem like a good idea to go down.” I said. “Would you rather meet a “Digging Unicorn thing?” He asked. “No..” I said. “That’s what I thought. Now, let's go before a Digging Unicorn actually comes.” Jack said. As we made our way into the deeper parts of the tunnel, the room kinda widened. “We seem to be in some sort of Labyrinth, or Temple..” I said. Then, we heard a loud screeching noise 


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