Chapter/Part 9

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“Yes, I suppose so.” I respond. As we leave through the tunnel out of the temple-like place, I stop to look back and see a hat that sort of looks like an archaeologist's hat. I decide I have time, so I grab it. Afterwards we exit the temple site.

“Why’d you go back?” Jack questions me.

“No reason, let’s just go before something else unwanted occurs.” I respond, sort-of hastily.

“Since we don’t exactly have a home base, where are we going to go now?” Charlie asks, worryingly.

“Well, there’s somewhere to stay..” Jack says, despite not knowing anywhere to go ethier.

“I wouldn’t get your hopes up.” An unidentifiable voice responds.

“What?!” Jack nervously replied. “Who said that?!” A figure finally steps from the shadows.

“I did.” the figure said. They were wearing almost all black, black suit, black mask, black shoes, probably black shirt and pants, also.

“Joshua?” Charlie exclaims. “Is that you?”

“What?” They reply. No, My Name isn’t Joshua, I’m Derek, ya know, that one quiet kid who always wore blue and black?” 

“Well what do you mean you don’t think we’ll find anywhere to stay?” I say, bringing the conversation back to what more or less matters.

“You’re telling me you don’t see those “things” walking around?” He hastily replies. “There’s no way you’ve walked past them not seeing them getting away scot free!”

“Well that doesn’t mean they’re walking around, causally destroying  buildings.” Jack replies, obviously upset.
“WELL OBVIOUSLY NOT!!” Derek angrily shouts back.

“Calm down before we attract those things!” Charlie loudly whispers. Derek then grabbed us and pulled us behind a bush in the shadows. We then saw a green guy walking towards where we were. It seems confused, and also kind of upset. It walks away. I turn to see a stone wall behind us. It looks like it’s stone, feels like it’s stone, but it’s in an unnatural position. I knock on the wall and it sounds like knocking on light weight wood. I take out an ax and attempt to break it. Doing so reveals a doorway.

“Really John?” Derek asks, disappointed, almost like he didn’t want me to break the wall.

 “I’m sorry for breaking your wall I guess?”

“Not that, the hat.” Derek replies.

“What hat?” I responded, confused, as I didn’t put a hat on my head.

“I forgot to tell you I put that hat you grabbed on you, I thought you wanted it there or something.” Jack told me.

“Oh, Okay. Well then, let’s just go into that place I revealed.” I say. As we head in, Derek stops us before we can fully enter.

“Guys, I think I hear something..” He claims.

Just after he said that, we hear a loud growl coming from behind him.

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